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Hawk Attacks Cockatoo


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We have hawks here in Virginia also, in fact my husband saw a red tailed hawk sitting on our fence that surrounds the garden area and he walked within 3 feet of it before it flew away. I have never taken Josey outside on a harness, only in a travel cage but I am with her every minute, those hawks are only doing what comes naturally.

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Good video of a hawk attack while a parrot is with the owner. There are several reports and videos of this type of attack.


I do not take Dayo out for walks on the harness for that reason as well. Here in California there are many species of hawks that fly over all day long. I cannot count the times I have seen them grab a pigeon, crow or any other bird while in flight and drive them straight to the ground with their Talons deeply piercing the back sides sides of the bird.


We do take him for visits to other homes and public places, but even then, we always have an eye to the sky during the time it takes us to walk from the car to the entrance of a building.


When they are outside in their cages getting baths and sun for 3 to 4 hours. The hawks do fly over, but have never shown any interest in the caged birds.


Thanks for sharing this! :)

Edited by danmcq
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Very scary. I had seen this video before. It is very frightening to think that could happen. The avian vet that I spoke with about hawk attacks said that she has seen birds that were attacked through a cage that was outside. Something to think about though is that this bird was cared for by people and therefore had no fear of people. You would think that it would have second thoughts about coming that close to a human to get prey, if it was wild.

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We have hawks all over here, on Sunday I saw a red tail hawk flying low over head & I could see it had something black & white in it's talons. Well, right behind the hawk was a magpie having a fit & trying to dive bomb the hawk. I am assuming the hawk had snagged the young magpie & the momma bird was doing all she could to save it. Sad, yet very natural.

I never take Biscotti out unless he's in a carrier. Things happen so quickly!

Thanks for sharing this video.

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