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Having a old injury fixed?????


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I feel terrible for Ozzy his foot from the ankle down is completely sideways. I was told it was fixed as a baby but what vet would splint a foot sideways? Anyway I am considering saving up some money ( I am assuming it will be costly) to have it fixed if it can be has anyone had a bird have his leg fixed after it has been set a certain way for years?

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No, I'm afraid that if your bird is 6 mts or older, there's no splint that can fix it. The bone has formed in a certain direction and it's now permanent. Birds who have inward or outward splayed legs and feet usually have the problem corrected when they're 3 to 5 weeks old and even then, there's no guarantees. A vet wouldn't take the chance and do any type of drastic procedure to an adolescent or adult bird when the bird has already learned how to function very well with the misshapen foot. It's probably bothering you much more than it is the bird.

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I agree. this sort of procedure is best performed on a new injury and on a young bird for the best success. He probably doesnt even notice that he has this problem. My concern would be as he got older he may develope some sort of arthericic changes in the leg but a vet could advise you on this better than me.

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