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B&g macaw help please


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On friday i brought a blue & gold macaw just wanted to ask a few thing over the past three days she as not been eating alot and when i opened here cage door to let here out she would not come out and she is not moving around alot is this as she is in a new home and cage

any help or info would be good



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Hi Paul, did you get your macaw from a breeder, a pet shop or is he/she a re-home? Could you also give the approx. age of your bird, this will help give us an idea to what the problem could be. It could well be that the bird is home-sick, it is very early days and my guess is that he is still settling into his new surroundings.


I hope someone else will chip in and give you another opinion.

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No PM necessary. Definitely, your bird hasn't settled in yet and it takes a while before an adolescent bird to do that. Parrots can go for long periods of time without food. They'll drink though. have you read anything about B&Gs yet. Is the bird in the same cage as before?

The bird has to get used to a lot of things in the house besides you and when that happens, the bird will relax. Your bird is still very young so take baby steps with him. Let us know if you're having specific problems. If your bird is a biter, watch your fingers. Their bite can hurt alot.

Luckily, you have one of the more well rounded types of macaw as far as personality and friendlness goes.

Edited by Dave007
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very early days indeed. All birds take time to adjust to a new home and are often quite upset when they first move. Sit close to her just chatting to her and offer her treats from your hand if she will take them,through the cage bars if she is nervous.once she settles a bit open her cage and let her come out on her own. Dont force any interaction,let it be on her terms.

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