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Spock's Back!


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:( A while ago, on Spock's back between the wing bend (when the wings are folded against the side), there is approximately two inch diameter flat raised area. When you touch it, it doesn't appear to bother him and through feathers, skin and an 1/8th inch of fat, you can feel his backbone. It is opposite the depression on his front side (see two photos). It's like a hunch-back. (Joey doesn't have it) He's extremely energetic and he is holding his weight at 437 to 443 grams in the morning after his big bomb. He flies a LOT! At times, he appears to be breathing heavy.




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They have an air sack on the back of the neck around the bottom of the cervical area. Is this where you are talking about? Is it possible it has fluid in it? Other than it possibly being that, I can not imagine what else it may be.


If you can see it, does it appear inflamed at all? You know it is hard to diagnose something when your not a vet. Thats about all I have to offer unfortunately.

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Not good news Jay.


How is Spock doing now? Has he eaten since and held it down?


I believe he was holding around 440-450 grams. If so, a 10 to 20 gram loss is not huge, but certainly to take notice of. I know I fret if dayo goes down 10 grams. But, normally the next day he is back up to 480.


One other thought reflecting back on Dayos first 18 months. His weight would go up and down month to month from 430 to 450 to 428 to 470 etc. I am uncertain why young birds weight varies more than a more mature birds. But it does, probably due to the way they eat differently as tastes change and muscle mass builds in those pectorals as they fly.


Praying for Spock and hoping this is just an oddity today.

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  she said:
Please let us know what the vet has to say.I think I can safely assume you have a visit planned.

Thanks all. Spock has been seeing a vet almost every two weeks since Dec 09, he has 5 vets now.LoL Were guaranteed a visit on Thur's after 4pm! These vets receive have received not only our fid's, but our rescue's and re-home's. Spock's cut down on some of his food intake. I think Dan might be right on Spock's back muscles, they seem to be well developed, I living room/kitchen flight is around 50=60', he'll do this in set's of 2 or 3, 10 or more times a day, 5-6 full house length flights of 50' 3-5 times.[that,s 100' per flight! with out tail feathers!] When I say "Spock's cut down on his eating", his normal daily food consumption is: Breakfast= 2 tbs of smash, 1/3 tsp peanut butter + supplement, 1 to 2 tsp brn rice, lentils/split peas 1 tsp, will snack on a tsp of seed. mid-morning snack, he'll snack on left over breakfast, 10+ cheerio's soaked in 2 table spoons rice milk, Lunch: 1/4 tuna sandwich on whole grain bread, plate of veggies, and a few seeds, Dinner: Smash, pasta with tomato sauce, beans, sometimes cooked veggies. Bed time snack: bite of fruit, a couple bites of fresh sweet potato's.

Because of his Hypoglycemia, he eats carbs and burn carbs, in a viscous cycle. Once we can determine his diet balance, we hope his metabolism will slow down, so he won't wear out his body. Spock is a large boned Grey, he should weigh around 520 +grams, he's skinny. Hope this will change.

If I missed anything, just ask!


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Spock, he's up to 443 grams today, his appetite is good, vet said, [just left] he probably gulped quickly! Spocks going through a heavy molt! You were right Dan, he has well developed shoulder muscles! A ok!!!!!!! Thanks Jayd

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Spock is collecting frequent flyer miles at the vet. He is well loved and you spend a lot of your own energy keeping careful watch and adjusting his food etc. He is such a sweet part of all our lives. Thanks for all you do for him and your flock.

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