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Tinkerbell, a flighted and harnessed CAG travelling and flyi


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Tinkerbell is my 2 1/2 year CAG.


She is flighted and goes about with me everywhere in Taiwan up the mountains and forest and about everywhere. She wears a harness and leash to my design that perhaps you may find useful too. She comes out riding with me on my motorbike.


The details of that harness and the training we did together are in her web page.



The URL above will give you an indication of her flying and travelling with me in her harness.


The details of her training and of her harness and travels are in


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Thank you for the compliments.


Taiwan is one of the most beautiful country I have the luck to work in. Her spine is one of the most massive mountain ranges I have been in. Much of the mountains are still forested.


Taiwanese love keeping pets. Unfortunately, very few of them know how to keep fids properly. All who kept parrots and greys in Taiwan were stunned to see me with Tinkerbell going out with me and on my shoulder. Song birds are the predominant favourites by far. The

China thrush, white eye and sharmas are doted on by them. Prize winners can go for eye popping amount.


Another big group will be on racing pigeons. Massive amount of money are bet on the pigeons. This give raise to another industry, that of people with mist nets staking out certain choke points to capture racing pigeons for ransom.


Even ducks are turned into pets and a few days ago, I saw this pet turkey in a motorbike shop.


I presume that vet care for pigeons will be very well developed. I am not so certain about fid. I must confess I did only a cursory check and am keeping fingers cross that I and Tink will not need them.

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He has an African Grey. And you (contrary to what you think) are not the only person who cares for birds. Why do you assume everyone is cruel until proven otherwise? Over half your replies to new posts are telling people they shouldn't have the bird. Not sure how you lived so long with such a pessimistic view on life.

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