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Charlie has been found!!! thank god..


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When I went to posting flyers around town this morning... I went into the bank and ask if I could put one on the bulletin board and the lady told me he had been on her side porch for a day and half.... 2 blocks straight south from our house... we had walked that area many times... has an appointment to go to vet at 1 o clock to be checked and wings clipped... his nose is banged up some put seems fine other then hungry... came right to my husband when he walked up... she had iron fence reels on her porch and a roof that ran to the garage...guess those iron reels felt like a cage.... more like home.... havent talked to the lady yet.. as soon as she told me i went running to see if he was still there....


thank you everyone for helping...

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Oh WOW another happy ending. Praise the lord!


Please read lovethatgrey's post about Emma before going ahead with the wing clip. Your Charlie wasn't clipped which helped him survive. It is your husband who needs to understand you don't go outside with a bird on your shoulder - even a clipped bird!

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We went and talked to the lady this afternoon to find out the story... she said she heard him saturday morning, which he got out friday at dusk... she said he was in her crab apple tree.. then after couple hours he flew down onto her porch rale.... she has one of those houses that has a detached garage but the roof goes all the way across to the garage with open space where the steps and a small patio area is.... anyhow she said after he got there she pettied him.. and looked up on the internet what to feed him... she gave him bannanas and water...


and that her husband wanted to keep him if no one came looking for him...but they just left him on the porch thinking he would return home... it was one block straight south of where the trees was that bob said he flew too... we had went by there looking for him a dozen times, I went there this morning walking and hollering at him...


anyway this wont happen again, my husband has agreed charlie will not go out again, Charlie wont miss what he doesnt know, the outside world is not for a bird that has never been there... he is happily in his cage enjoying the attention that he is getting from my husband... Bob is so relieved...


and the vet said he is fine, few scratches on his nose... and a slightly bruised eye but will be fine.. and his wings are clipped for now anyway... i will go read emmmas story..and make that decision, right now Bob just wanted his wings clipped immediately....so it is done.. no more outside adventures though.... we was very lucky.... it was the last street in town... if he had flew any further he would have been in the country..

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All's well that ends well, you have been very lucky this time and I rejoice with you as we all do here of course. You did the right thing in getting Charlie checked-out at the vet. As for the wing clip it has obviously given you peace of mind for now but please know that a clip will grow out eventually. vigillance is the only answer but no doubt you have both learned from this and I'm sure Charlie won't be going outside any time soon.

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Well I am disappointed that you clipped his wings for thats not the reason he took off, he was taken outside but maybe you will rethink it in the future but to know now that he was so close and you didn't find him, you are very lucky to have him back, glad to hear your hubby won't be taking him outside without being on a harness or in a cage.

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I am so glad to hear that Charlie is home safe! this has made my afternoon :)


wing clipping is such a personal decision - all I will say is that mine are fully flighted and would remain so after an adventure such as this, but I can understand your husband's concerns at this point


like hair, feathers grow out and there is plenty of time to research and possibly reconsider in the future



Mr Boogie and I are celebrating with you today!

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