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Greetings from Ian and Abbey

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Well, I've been reading the forums for about a year now, so I figured its about time to make an introduction. My name is Ian, and....


Bird Brain.jpg


... this is Abbey. She is just over a year old now, and I've had her since 14 weeks. I've always wanted a CAG, and after last summer I was finally able to afford one. My mother used to raise CAGs in our back yard (ornithologist from UC Davis), she had two breeding pairs that were... frisky. The whole family was a part of the process, even us when were were quite young.




The little kid there is me over 20 years ago reading to my namesake in a bucket. Mom named them after family members... we had to branch out pretty far after a couple of years, and then extend it to friends. She taught biology in high school and would bring them to class; everyone loved it. (How many biology teachers have incubators full of baby parrots? : ) ) So if you bought a CAG in Northern California during the early 90's, it might have been one of hers.


Anyway, back to Abbey. Although she drives me insane, her antics are quite humorous. From throwing rocks at my girlfriend (quite deliberately, it's hilarious), to setting traps for the dogs (drops food on the ground, and when they go to eat it, she tries to bite their tail), she keeps us busy. She isn't talking yet, and judging from my colorful language, I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing.


Just wanted to introduce myself, so hello everyone. I'm studying for the bar right now, so I'm off to go learn some law. I'll start joining the conversations in the other forums, now that I might actually have something to add. I do want to thank everyone for the posts and information though, this place has been a lifesaver. It both gives good information and lets me know that I'm not the only one with [insert infuriating problem].

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Welcome Ian and Abbey!


Thanks for wrting such a GreYt introduction. :)


Does your mother still breed greys or kept any for herself over the years?


I'll bet you will have a lot to share.


Unfortunately no. When I was around middle school we moved to Canada due to my father getting transferred, and my mom didn't want to put them all through quarantine (and then back shortly thereafter - it was a temporary transfer). Now they travel a lot for business, so she really doesn't have the time. She wants to as soon as they settle down again. For now she gets her bird fixes through my frequent visits. (I take Abbey almost everywhere I go - I think it alleviates boredom, because she is much easier to handle after a trip out of the house.)

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