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Say Hi to Jack!


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Hi Everyone!


I was just browsing the web for a few queries about my African Grey, called Jack and stumbled upon this great forum...so I thought I would introduce you all to my friend.


Jack is a hand-reared 6 year old African Grey. He has been in my family since he was about 6 months old. Whilst he is VERY friendly to me (regurgitates food, climbs on my head and tries to dangle down to feed me, and has complete trust in me), he hates my parents and sister, and always has done. He will happily give my mum a kiss when its bed time, but any other time, you have a good chance of having a hole pierced in your nose or lip (and it has happened!!).


I just wanted to ask people a few questions if thats ok:


1) I'm looking at getting him some new toys as he's destroyed all his current ones. Is there a 'great toy' out there that people love, or is everyone sticking to what is on offer at the pet store?


2) Baths. We have a decent sized purple water bowl, and when anyone turns the vacuum cleaner on, he thinks its bath time, so struggles to get in this little bowl and have a bath. I've looked around for YEARS for a proper bath for parrots, but only ever find budgie ones, which are too small. Any ideas?


3) Anyone know how to get him to talk in front of people? If he's alone he'll talk all day, but when people are around him (even me) he is silent.


4) About 2 weeks ago, he flew into a mirror, and fell to the floor. He had a few feathers come out, and he was a little shaken, but seemed ok after that. When I got him out the next day, he was unable to fly, and still cant fly. Am I right in saying its because he has lost a bunch of tail feathers? He doesnt seem distressed or hurt, and I've examined his wings.


Thanks everyone! Attached a couple of photos :)



Edited by RickM
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Welcome Rick and Jack! It's GreYt having you here. :)


I don't normally find very good toys at pet stores in our city due to them caterin gprimarily to budgie and cockatiel sized birds. I buy all my toys online or parts and make them myself. My grey really loves acrylic balls with bells in them. They work well as foot toys and when hung from a chain say 1 ft long, he will climb down bat the heck out of it and then fly up to a perch while holding on to it acting as a swing to the top.


I also puchase medium sized wooden toy assemblies that he chews on through the day when we're gone. They need plenty of things to keep them busy when caged like foraging toys as well.


Your bird not being able to fly sounds strange to me. Even without tail feathers they can fly, just not with as much control as previously. When you say he can't fly, how so? Does he flap his wings or just not try at all? Does he seem to have pain if he does fly?


If you suspect he could have fractured a wing, you should get him to a vet for an xray.


Again, welcome and looking forward to hearing more from you. :)


In regards a bigger bowl for baths, you can normally find a huge stainless water bowl for dogs that should work for your grey.


Talking in front of people is a challenge, unless you have him engaged in conversations with you first. If he woon't talk to you, he certainly won't to strangers. Does he ask you for food items, water, treat etc.?

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Hi Rick, very nice intro. To try and answer your questions, I get my fids toys from the internet. Ana Grey seems to love the wood ones. I also buy her practice golf balls, the ones with the holes in them, and she loves to toss them off the top of her cage or playstands, I think its watching me retrieve them that makes her happy!!!!36_11_18.gif


As for bathes, I just pop her in the kitchen sink, she loves it. Good luck with getting your grey to talk when you want him to. My Ana Grey only talks to me or when she hears someone in the next room, once they come in the room she is quiet as a mouse. So when you figure out how to get Jack to talk in front of people, I'll all ears!!!! bigear.gif

As for Jack not flying now, if he is not flapping his wings, he might just be a little cautious right now or he might have bruised his wing/wings. I would take him to the vet if he were my grey and I was concerned.


I'm glad you decided to join us and can't wait to hear more about Jack. Welcome to the Grey family!!!!

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Cleo loves her Boing (large spiral rope hanging from the ceiling). She is also keen on anything chewable, such as popsicle sticks, strips of leather, wooden balls or blocks, paper to shred. Visit some internet sites that cater specifically for parrots, and just copy the toys they have for sale ;)

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Hi Rick I just joined this forum as well and my grey is named Jack too. My Jack is just two years old and he talks up a storm in front of all of us that live here. He will talk when others are around but only if he thinks they are not watching him. His favorite toys are a whiffle ball hung on the side of his cage with a cotton rope. He bats it, throws it around and hangs upside down from it. That is one of his favorite things to do, hang upside down. I sometimes think he is part bat. I have just started taking him in the shower. He was a little bit scared at first but after a couple of times now he seems to be enjoying it. Welcome.

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Gosh, for a couple of years now i wish i'd given Jacques a less common parrot name... however, i suspect that after 6 years, he's probably figured out what his name is xD


I kinda wish i could go back in time and change his name to Fletcher, i LOVE that name ^ ^

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Hello Rick and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Jack, wow we have several new Jacks.

Its not uncommon for a grey to pick a favorite person and that person is the one who can handle it without any problem and my Josey is the same way, she will give my hubby kisses but that is about the extent of her interaction with him.

Some greys prefer one type of toy over another and you will just have yo observe Jack to see what type he prefers but do look around the toys and playstands room for lots of ideas to make toys from common items found around the house and other suggestions. We all know how expensive toys are to buy ready made and be sure to browse the baby aisle for items suitable for greys to play with.

I found out that the vacuum cleaner makes some birds want to bathe but it doesn't bother my grey but it does my conure, she will jump right in her water bowl and get herself wet. I like the idea of a big bowl like some type of ceramic or heavy stonewear that you can find in the dog section of the pet store, they are big enough for a grey to get in and won't tip over.

Sorry to say but some greys are classified as closet talkers, they won't talk in front of anyone and there is not much you can do to make him talk in your presence, maybe as he gets older he will relax that some but don't count on it.

Thanks for sharing the pictures of Jack, he is a handsome fella.

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