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Emma will REMAIN fully flighted.


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smile.gifEmma is fully flighted. During Emma's escape my mind raced around a lot and went through continuous anguish. frown.gif

I kept questioning my decision about having allowed her to stay fully flighted, Not because I thought it would prevent her from escaping, but more because I wanted to prevent her from having so much lift and going too far. At one point, I was feeling so discouraged that I told myself that if I ever had the chance to see Emma again, I would resort to having her feathers trimmed. That would have been a VERY bad decision

Now that she is home, it is quite clear in my mind that being FULLY Flighted permitted Emma to survive the outdoors and the unknown. I believe being fully flighted allowed her to seek suitable shelter to sleep as well as the ability to escape from any dangerous situation. I have no intention of ever clipping Emma. She seems well, unharmed and even untraumatized by her 2 day trip. I am pretty proud of her for taking care of herself when she was alone in the world.

She did not escape because she is fully flighted, she escaped because of my carelessness.

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I admire your choice, here. Emma also flew for help when she was done with her escapade. She didn't have to go to the boy's shoulder, but she chose to. Believe me, I think a LOT of us have learned from Emma's story. And I, for one, think it's great that you are keeping her flighted.

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Yes I truly believe it helped her to survive and to go to help by being fully flighted and you may not have her back now if she had been clipped.



She did not escape because she is fully flighted, she escaped because of my carelessness.



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I have to commend you on your choice to do what is best for Emma, many people I am sure if faced with the same situation would be selfish and take away from their birds being..well birds :) All of us have to face that there is a chance that someday our birds might escape, flighted or not. so I applaud you! and Emma!! :):):)

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