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Leo's recent sleeping habits


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Over the last week, he's taken to sleeping during the day with his beak tucked under his wing. While I know this is normal sleeping behavior, he's never done it before during sun-up hours.


He's also become more affectionate over the last couple weeks (and he was pretty darned affectionate to begin with).


As some background:

- He's 14 months old

- When he left the pet store he was still on their syringe-feeding program and we finished weaning him.

- He's very affectionate, relaxed and low stress. Probably the most laid-back bird in our flock

- He only does this when he's around me (sleeps on my computer monitor while I work, on his playtop)

- He's been REALLY snuggly the last week. Welcomes scritches by the ton, but doesn't really go out of his way to get them, aside from landing on my shoulder every day at 4 PM like clockwork... lol


So my question is: Is he just settling in to being totally comfortable around me? Because part of me wants to treat any change in behavior as: PANIC! Sure, he's more snuggly (and he just, as I typed that, flew to my shoulder for scritches), but is that always good?

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If there are no apparent signs of illness such as weight loss, nares clear, playing normally etc. I sounds like He is just chilling a little more.


Normally a sick bird does not want as much attention, is crabbier than normal, change in appetite etc.


I know how you feel. I fret the instant something changes. :)

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