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Got such a fright today!


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I was sitting at the breakfast bar this morning, filing ozzies nails, he loves this done and always balances his beak down at an angle in a way that the nail file goes back and forth across the back of his neck for a good old scratch as I file his claws smooth, I've don this for 8 years with no problems .


Ozzie was in a fab mood today too and was being really good till I got to the last claw when he decided he also wanted his neck scratched and to nibble my engagement ring all at the same time, he flipped over onto his back accidently over reaching , and lay flat on the table as he lost balance trying to get my ring, now normally he will flip himself right back over ASAP as he hates that position but he didnt, infact he didnt move at all, he seemed stiff as a board, feet straight up and his neck was tilted/twisted? to the side with his eyes staring, he was completely lifeless. never had so many emotions go through me in one go, mere seconds passed but seemed like for ever as I touched his tummy gently, then stroked his head to get any sort of reaction, then turned him gently over, as I turned him over he flicked back into life and tootled off to get the nail file and blew a raspberry before flying back off into the sitting room as if nothing had happened.


He has been absolutely fine ever since. so crikey knows what happened, I am now wondering if, as he flipped over he landed funny on a nerve or similar and just couldnt move, or has even had a mild seizure (there was no twitching or any movement tho) its completely baffled me as he is ormally in good health and so far had no health problems and has a fab diet and sups etc but one thing I did notice/ think was OMG he's dead and even when I realised he was ok, I have been so upset since it happened sort of now knowing that that is what he will look like one day:(, he really has me scared so much so I was shaking, cant comprehend what life would be like without him but my goodness I got such a shock, does anyone have any ideas please?

Edited by ozziebird
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Believe me, if your bird had a seizure, you'd know about it. Birds don't recover from seizures right away. They normally have to be put back in a cage, put on the bottom of the cage and be left alone until they get their mobility back which takes a while. Actually, flipping a bird on it's back isn't normal but doesn't cause problems if the bird likes it but you'll run into times where it won't happen exactly like it usually does.


""""mere seconds passed but seemed like for ever as I touched his tummy gently, then stroked his head to get any sort of reaction, then turned him gently over, as I turned him over he flicked back into life and tootled off to get the nail file and blew a raspberry before flying back off into the sitting room as if nothing had happened."""" That's what it was---mere seconds. No seizures were involved.

Birds don't fly immediately fly away after a seizure. If they did, they'd crash into something immediately. Why he did what he did, well there's no definite answer because some parrots do strange things but not all the time. Many people think that a parrot walking upside down on the inner roof of a cage is also scary.

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I agree it wasn't a seizure. My old tiel had seizures toward the end of her life and they resembled nothing like Ozzie experienced. It would only be guess work to say what happened but I am so glad everything is OK.

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I flip my Ana Grey over all the time and for the first few seconds she too will lie with her feet in the air and her head very still as if she were dead. Then she uses her wings to flip herself over and life goes on as if nothing has happened.


On another note, in your avatar what is that you are holding???? Did you win the Lottery or something!!!! Just being nosey!!!

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cheers dave and everyone, ozzie has been absolutely fine all day thank the lordy, the reason I said seizure was only that a friend of mines grey had mild ones periodically but her cag woud go very still and just one leg twitch, but yes was very disorientated afterwards, fortunately I have never had to deal with a seizure myself and never wish to do so,

I think what really scared me is how still he was (how often are greys still except when sleeping lol), he so hates being on his back and only he himself puts himself there when he is into mischief and gets in a pickle, I have never put him on his back although when he was a baby he did used to like to be cradled like a baby when we were towling him and playing peeka boo- but after a few months if he ended up on his back he always fliped back straight away , this time he just over reached and it was the stillness , his eyes and the way his head was laying that was so scary and also not flipping himself back, I wonder if he twisted funny and nipped a nerve or something, little blimmin monkey playing dead , I hope he doesnt do it again, but so pleased he is ok!



not the lottery unfortunately luvparrots but it was a win, from a tv quiz show for £3000, all gone now lol

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