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Hello all, obviously I am new here but I was browsing on the internet and cam across this forum and have been reading for a few days now. Just today I put money down on my new baby CAG. "Hayley" will not be ready to take home for a month or so but I figured I would come here and start early. I am extremely excited and can not wait for Hayley to come home.


Anyway a little about myself. I am 23 years old (male) and I live in Gilbert,Arizona. I have owned three birds in the past (when I was growing up) and I have loved them ever since. My very first bird was a Peach faced Lovebird, "Paco", after Paco passed away my sister wanted to get another bird so we got an Umbrella Cockatoo named Sydney. Sydney was a great bird but was only around for a short time because my sister moved out a year later. My last bird that I had was a Sun Conure. "Madison" was easily one of my best friends for 9 years. I loved her so much! She passed away in a accident that I still get upset about when I talk about it (that was 6 years ago). Every morning I would get out of bed and let her out of her cage. Well one day I took her back to my bed room and we were playing and I lied down and fell asleep with her on my bed and when I woke up....... :( Like i said I still get pretty sad thinking about it as she was apart of the family and I feel responsible. :(



Anyway I am excited to own a bird again (eventhough i'm a bit rusty :)), and I will have lots of time to give love to my new baby CAG. I am looking forward to talking to everyone and hope you can give me some advice and tips!

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Welcome to the forum!!! :)


It is so exciting getting your first Grey and the waiting is period most of us anxiously went through as well. Are you able to visit or are the breeders too far?


Sorry to hear of your sun conures accident and I can only imagine that painful feeling when it comes to mind.


I am looking forward to hearing more as this progresses. :)

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Thanks for the welcome! By the way I am able to

visit as it is not very far at all. I will probably be able to go 2-4 times a week

depending on work.


It is very exciting indeed, anxiously waiting for the month to

roll around! :D

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Hello Hayley and welcome to our family, so glad you have been lurking around and finally decided to jump on in and introduce yourself.

Congrats on getting your first grey, you are about to embark on the relationship of a lifetime and one you won't regret if you read and find out all you can before you bring your baby home and you came to the right place for that. Do read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your sun conure, I know myself how devastating that could be as I also have a sun conure and she is such a delight to me, she was my first parrot and she is about 6 years old, they are one of the most beautiful of the conures and even of the parrots in my opinion.

When you go visit your baby get us a few pictures and share them with us if you would as we love to go "awe" over them.

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So nice to meet you Hayley. Congratulations on your new baby grey. Do you have any names in mind???? I can relate to your hanging around before finally getting your baby. I too had to wait before my Ana Grey was able to come home and I spent oodles of time right here absorbing so much useful information and advice and making some good friends as well. So enjoy and welcome to the Grey family!!!!

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Again thanks for the welcomes. This forum is wonderful and I have already found out a lot of information! I'm sure as more questions come to mind you all will be the first to know. I'm going to visit on Tuesday so I will most likely taking a lot of pictures :).



@luvparrots- sorry I wasn't clear in my op. My name is C.J. And my baby is named Hayley. About 3 weeks ago I had a dream that I owned a CAG and her name was Hayley. The crazy thing was that Hayley only spoke Spanish words in my dream and I do not know much Spanish. :)

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