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Emma's Return Home Story.


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I reflect upon the last month and I cannot believe the amount of drama my dy Emma has brought in to my life. eek.gif


I very much hope that that's the end of it.biggrin.gif


I feel the last 2 days were a nightmare and today feels like a dream. I can't believe she is REALLY home and keep looking at her cage to make sure this is not a hallucination I am having.



First and foremost, THANK YOU ALL so much for caring so much and for not being indifferent to me, Emma and Sachi. You guys were unbelievably awesome and were an enormous beacon of light for me during an agonizing suffering that affected me on so many levels. It really does traumatize the entire system and I do not ever wish that type of nightmare on anyone.hug8.gifhug8.gifhug8.gifhug8.gif



On to the story.cool.gif


My sweet Emma was found by a boys soccer team practicing their game this morning. They found her 45 minutes before I received the call from the rescue shelter. The location is about 6 km from my home. She actually crossed several highways. She was still in the Anjou sector but had flown right to the limits of its east edge. I have never been to that part of Anjou. It is a part that is in development and really doesn't have many trees or foliage. A very quiet and isolated area and where alot of building will be taking place. Not alot of people circulating there. Only ones that would be there would be the ones who would be working and that would be during the week, not on the weekend. They will probably build more parks, bly condos and malls in that area. wink.gifThe only thing that has has been completed was this great soccer field. dance4.gif


Emma was smart enough to land in the middle of their game.smile.gif Apparently the boys were a bit scared of her and thought she was trying to attack them. One of the boys called his father. THe father approached Emma and she stepped up to him willingly and then flew to his shoulder and hung out there for a good 20 minutes. She was very gentle, calm, and trusting but of course very hungry. He located a park worker who was smart enough to call the rescue that I had contacted and she called me right away. On my way there, I was so nervous and anxious. I had a feeling it was her but was afraid to be disappointed and that perhaps I'd find some other species of parrot.frown.gif

When the park worker opened the door so I could look, Emma was perched on top of a bathroom stall. I was relieved to see an african grey.

I stepped closer to look at her face and I knew right away that she was my Emma. She stepped up to me right away and I placed her in her carrier.


The good people and the park people refused to take a reward so I asked for the name of the Soccer association. I will be sending a cheque payable to that particular soccer team and they can use the money as they see fit.smile.gif


Since Emma's been home, she keeps saying "aww" very sympathetically each time I talk to her. heart.gifThe only other word that she has used today is "mommy" when I told her I was going to do some dishes. She is just as gentle and as sweet. She has eaten and drinken. She doesn't look tattered, harmed or injured. She almost behaves like she simply went for a 2 day trip and now she is back. I think the soccer team etc.. were the only humans she came in contact with.


I am thankful that she came in contact with *good* people and they all did the right thing.heart.gifhug8.gif


I wish I knew what kinds of things she had seen. It is ironic that a few weeks ago I had felt terribly about not being able to give Emma the gift of flying near the clouds and with the wind. I will never ever ever feel bad about that again.smile.gif


Hugs to all of you.heart.gifhug8.gif

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Adina, I am so glad for you and especially for Emma that she is safe and none-the-worst for wear. When I first saw the post about Emma's pliight I could not believe it. Not our sweet Emma and I cried as if it were my own Ana Grey. Believe me I thanked God for her safe return to you and now have shed tears of joy for the happy ending of her adventure. May you both have a wonderful reunion and have a very happy and well-deserved good night's sleep wrapped in nothing but warmth and pure joy!!!

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I just got off the phone. I was speaking to the Mom of (Nathan) one of the little guys who plays soccer. She is so happy to hear that Emma is well and told me a little bit more about what had happened.

There are 16 little guys all between 10-12 years old. They were on the field first and the parents arrived about 5 minutes later. Apparently Emma flew to the shoulder of one of the boys, he panicked so she flew to the shoulder of another one, then she flew over to the stand that holds all of the soccer balls. They were all stunned and not sure what to do. They were also a bit scared because that had never happened to them before and didn't even know they were dealing with a parrot. Nathan hollered to his parents to come. Emma flew over to his father and perched on his shoulder and nuzzled very close. The parents knew nothing about parrots and weren't sure what to think but kind of figured out that Emma was young and from someone's home. Apparently she would perch on the Mom as well and nuzzled close. The Mom told me she was really stunned when Emma would nuzzle and then turn to just look at her face every so often. They are both sure that Emma did not meet with any danger or harm during her escapade.

The boys are now quite excited about Emma after everything was explained and are hoping that she will bring them lots of luck because they've been on a losing streak lately.

heart.gif What a sweet ending

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Oh I am so happy. My whole family was stunned to read she was missing. It is amazing how much your sweet videos how brought you into our lives. I called out, "emma flew away" and everyone immediately knew who I meant. We all love you and now you all need to get some rest and recover. The stress will have caused all of you, even sachi, to be tense and now you can take a bit of time to heal. I am very happy this story had a good ending.

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Thank you, Thank you very much everyone.


I am still stunned by the distance and direction that she went in. I've been wondering whether having her fully flighted actually helped her to survive. Many people from coast to coast on several forum boards know about what happened to Emma. Alot of people and divine interventions have helped to bring Emma back to me. I am so grateful.


I also find it amazing that World Cup Soccer is happening in South Africa presently. Emma crashed a soccer game practice. Emma is an african grey. wub.gif

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What a wonderful story of how Emma was found. They human closeness and interaction that took place, shows without a doubt Emma knew she had to make contact and trust a human to receive what she needed, safety, food, water and a home to rest without fear.


Thanks for sharing this story. I know the drama of having a lost bird all too well. It will be a few weeks before your mind and emotions become completely normal again. IT may be that long for Emma as well. It wonderful to hear she is doing well. :)

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That is one amazing story Adina of how Emma came to be found and shows what a socialized bird she is to want to come to people she didn't even know but she probably thought they might have something for her to eat. You are one lucky woman to have gotten your precious Emma back safe and sound for we have missed her antics and chatting, Adina you are truly blessed.

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That is one amazing story Adina of how Emma came to be found and shows what a socialized bird she is to want to come to people she didn't even know but she probably thought they might have something for her to eat. You are one lucky woman to have gotten your precious Emma back safe and sound for we have missed her antics and chatting, Adina you are truly blessed.


Thank you very much Judy. I truly do feel blessed! hug8.gifLots of people from coast to coast knew about Emma's escape. The support through my trip to HELL was PHENOMENAL.


I believe her coming home had alot to do with *luck* and ALOT of divine intervention. I am very grateful hug8.gif


I wish this could be done for all the missing birds out there. frown.gif

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  • 1 month later...

I received the nicest news this morning. I almost choked up.tongue.gif


I spoke to the Mom of one of the boys on the soccer team that found Emma. They had been a team that had kept on having losing streaks. Since finding Emma, they've won 4 straight Soccer matches.omg.gifthewave.gif

I am so thrilled for them.dance4.gif


The president of the Soccer association wants to take team photos with Emma in them and the boys want to see Emma again.eek.gifdance4.gif

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