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I am NOT Happy either


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I am now leaving this Forum, I have done so before, and I was asked to come back, I have done this and the reception was a bit low key, I think it is going the way of Forums I have been on before, It is a very sad day for me, and I do feel very bad about this.


Thanks everybody for all your help, and info.


I have nothing more to add.





Bernie (Supernova)

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I am now leaving this Forum, I have done so before, and I was asked to come back, I have done this and the reception was a bit low key, I think it is going the way of Forums I have been on before, It is a very sad day for me, and I do feel very bad about this.


Thanks everybody for all your help, and info.


I have nothing more to add.

Bernie (Supernova)


This is beginning to sound like a broken record.

I am sorry you feel this way but no one promised you a rose garden when you joined, then you left and came back, well so what the reception was low key, forgetaboutit, I have.

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Can I get a 'What the heck is goin on 'round here?'


Steve, Bernie left a while back, no one understood why but he made an announcement he was leaving, wouldn't say why and went. Having been away a while "someone" apparently talked him into coming back. Some members felt let down by the way he left and have been waiting for an apology or an explaination at least, it never came and so have been "cool" towards him.

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All -


We have been through this before, so it's nothing new to those of us that have been here from the beginning.


There are always people that come, make friends and are enjoyed as well by us all while reading their posts.


Then something happens that pisses one off, then the "Best Friends" get pissed off as well. The next step is one leaves, then some of the other friends.


The pain is not only of losing members we enjoyed, but also the flurry of threads started by one or more of those members as they vent and then exit.


I am sorry this is going on, but you can not stop a train very quickly.


Hopefully this thread will just die of it's own accord and slowly work it's way down the list out of view into oblivion. If it does not and gets another roll going, I will lock it. I hope it does not reach that point.


Thanks - Dan

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If anyone is shocked at people leaving, just go to the Members list and go down memory lane and check out the hundreds of people who were members but who are long gone. They came here, participated, got what they wanted and eventually faded away. This is probly one of the most common occurances on bird forums as well as loads of other forums that deal with a multitude of different subjects. Once in a while someone announced their departure. No big deal.

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