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Let me introduce ...... Zoeie !


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Greetings everyone !


God works in mysterious ways.

I told y'all that Cocoa was birdnapped by previous owner, and is gone after 9 months with me.


This past tuesday I finally moved the playstand I built for him from the dining room table and was going to put his cage in storage when my wife got the call............


A friend of a friend of hers heard about what happened to Cocoa and had a friend who has cancer and is going through Chemotherapy. Well this Lady, needed to find a GOOD home for a Timneh African Grey Parrot.


We called and arranged to meet the owner and the bird to see if the Parrot wanted to adopt Me.




Cheryl, the owner couldn't get over how Zoeie took to me. I didn't see anything special about the meeting cause the bird made no fuss, let me touch her beak and feet through the cage and Cheryl said she usually will not let anyone even touch the cage , let alone her feet or beak !

So after about an hour of chit chat She asked if I wanted to have Zoeie. I told her only if I could spoil her rotten, and that bright light y'all saw over Central Florida yesterday was not the sun, it was our Smiles as we both were overcome with happiness.


So even though I was done wrong by one person, God was evidently preparing me to put a smile on a very special woman's face in Sanford Fl !


YUMMY  , That man sure can cook...jpg


Now, while Zoeie was in a very good, loving home, she has never been "worked" so I have a long road in front of me as I work to gain her trust and build up her confidence in me.


She already likes my cooking as here she enjoys her first breakfast with me , a piece of a Harrisons and egg shell omelet she took from my hand this morning.


Have a greyt day !


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Honestly, this made me tear up a little. It's such a good story for so many reasons! I really do believe in karma & this is just another reason why.


I think the work you & Zoeie do together to get her hand tamed will make you appreciate her that much more. I wish you many, many very, very happy years together.

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When one door closes another one opens, everything is for a reason and it was meant for you and Zoeie to be together and I am so happy for you and Zoeie, I see the beginning of a beautiful relationship and can't wait to hear more about her. Congrats Lee and she is beautiful, more pics please, hint hint.

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What a wonderful and beautiful story about how Zoeie found you!!!! Though the circumstances are sad the outcome is one of joy for Zoeie's prior owner and for you and Zoeie as well. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I look forward to hearing more about Zoeie's and your great adventure together. Zoeie is gorgeous. I am a great fan of Timnehs!

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Thanks for all the votes of confidence .


Believe it or not, I'm already making progress with Zoeie ( I guess I'm spelling it right, pronounced Zoe- eee) Not only did I recieve my first kiss from her, I was taking snapshots while interacting with her at her cage and CAPTURED IT !


I knew she liked my cooking the way she chowed down on the piece of egg/ harrisons omelet I gave her this morning, but she also wasted no time with the little slice of warmed up sweet potato I gave her after she kissed me.


Later on in the day, she hung with her head down near the side of the cage and let me scratch her head for about 5 seconds ! Looking forward to see what tomorrow will bring .


Here's Zoeie and me almost 24 hours into our lifetime together.


My first kiss from Zoeie 6-12-2010..jpg

Eat your veggies , Zoeie likes sweet potatos..jpg

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  • 2 months later...

Just a quick update, I'm happy to report Zoey has made herself right at home, she is almost a nonstop sound effects machine and has a broader vocabulary than I thought, but her favorite saying so far is "yummy yummy Daddy " which is what she says when I make her breakfast in the mornings and at treat time when I get home from work !


While she never has tried to bite the hand AS it feeds her, she has let me know when she didn't want me to interact with her which I respect as normal. She will grab my finger with one foot when I put it in the cage and hold on to it, all the while I encourage her to step up, still only one foot at a time. When i change her water in the evenings, she has been "helping me" reinstall the water bowl in the holder. I'm looking forward to the day I tell you she stepped up on my finger, I can't wait to be able to have her out of the cage on the stand I built for Cocoa.

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