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Charlie is loose!!


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My husband takes charlie outside and lets him sit on his shoulder.... I have told him before be careful, u probable shouldnt do that... well I also told him couple weeks ago that he needed his wings cut.. he asked me if i would hold him will u clip them... i told him no... i didnt know his blood feathers... told him to take him to vet... I didnt even notice he had took him out this evening... he came running in and said come help me catch charlie... the bird wont let me touch him no more... hasnt for about a yr now...


well we cant find him no where........... darnit darnit darnit.... My husband has been outside looking in trees for hours wont come in... it is pitch black u cant see nothing... and thunderstorms headed our way...



I have no ideal what to do?

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I'm so sorry to hear that Charlie flew off but continue to look for him, in the meantime put up flyers all over the area so people will know you are missing a grey, go door to door and alert your neighbors to be on the lookout for a grey parrot. Put his cage outside with food and water in it, he may be inticed to come to it when hungry but do look and call for him until you find him.

Too late but now your husband knows he has made a big mistake by taking Charlie outside without being on a harness or in a cage and for gosh sakes when you do get him back make him promise to never do that again.

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crying, i dont know what to do to find this bird... it was right about dust, my husband says he flew into a bunch of trees in the neighbors back yard, but left to come get me to help... so we dont know if he flew off.... it got dark fast while we was looking... all we can do now is listen, but i know he has to be scared and will not talk or chatter.. he only talks when he is in room by himself or just me and bob in the house... he has learned to talk like crazy too... I am so upset..... I dont know why either, darn bird wont let me touch him no how...hasnt for a long time... seems to have took to my husband more then me...

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I am so sorry Rierie that Charlie is lost. Charlie won't be flying around in the dark so he is probably very close by. Your husband should come inside and resume his search at sunrise. It is a good idea to put Charlie's cage outside with his favorite treats and food. Perhaps Charlie will see it first thing in the AM and go to it for food. He will be hungry. I don't know what time it is there but if possible call your neighbors so they will be on the lookout for Charlie. Spend your time making posters for posting. I pray that Charlie will be found quickly and returned safely to you. Be strong.

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We have put the cage on the porch... i put fresh food in it... and water... will put some on top and we are getting up before daylight if we can sleep at all... and heading out to look... i didnt even realize he had took him outside... just discussed his wings about a week or so ago, that he had flying into the living room, and i told bob that he had flown, and we discussed cutting his wings, i told him to take him to the vets office and get it done... i should have called an made an appointment.. i never thought no more about it, been so busy lately, taking bobs brother to chemo treatments, working, and son home from iraq i let it slip my mind.... darnit darnit darnit....

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OH NO!!!


Your right, Charlie will not fly far if at all from where he is in the dark. First thing this morning before daybreak, get out there and start calling and looking. Hopefully you and hubby will be the first things Charlie hears or see's.


You are in my prayers.

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We got up at five this morning, looked for charlie, but havent seen him no where... This is both our faults, i should have called an got an appointment to have him clipped... and bob should not have took him outside until we had him freshly clipped.. I know my husband he doesnt think, it is always it will be ok.. We put his cage and playstand out in the yard.. now alll we can do is hope and prayer.... I will make some flyers to put out as soon as i can. I have to go to work and it is saturday... so it will probable be monday before i can get any made...... maybe i can get a friend to do it.. well thanks for the prayers and support... darnit darnit darnit....

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If you have a pair of binoculars use them to scan the trees for him and if he is spotted then stay with him, do not let him out of your sight and have your husband call to him and try to entice him down since he is the one he prefers.

I will continue to hope and pray that Charlie is spotted and brought to safety.

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What can I say except I have lost count of how many times I've read of this happening. Clipped birds can and do fly off all the time - even newly clipped birds. It just isn't worth the risk to take a unrestained bird outside and anyone who does so is taking a risk.


No use telling you this though as you have learned the hard way. All I can say in addition to what's already been said is that the more people in your area who get to know about your missing grey the more chance you have of getting him back. You need to be puting up posters around your immediate area, post in doors, vets, pet shops, newspapers, local radio. The list is endless. Never give up and inform all your friends and family, work colleagues etc. GOOD LUCK!

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I am so sorry Charlie has gotten out - have someone notify the vets, rescues, shelters in your area


here is a link to pre made flyers that you can customize with pics and wording http://www.goodbirdinc.com/help-lostbirdflyers.html


notify 911ParrotAlert http://www.911parrotalert.com/


here is a list of tips for finding your lost bird -


Be sure to put up signs EVERYWHERE (your neighborhood, surrounding neighborhoods, pet stores, vet offices, grocery stores, gas stations, golf courses, etc.) with a good description of your lost bird (a picture would be preferable), the date lost, a good contact number, and a reward if one is being offered. Another idea would be to post fliers in the bird food isle of the stores in your area and surrounding areas.

Post on Craigslist (in both the "Lost and Found" and "Pets" sections)

Facebook/My Space type sites are a good way to get the word out


other sites to post lost birds


Bird Hotline



Birdmart Parrot Classified Ads – Lost & Found






Fleales s Market's Lost Pets International






Also be sure to check and notify:


*Local Humane Society/Animal Shelters


*Local Bird Club


*Local Avian Vet


*Pet Shops/Bird Shops


Tips For Finding Your Lost Parrot


•AROUND HOME: Search for your bird in your neighborhood. During thefirst month birds tend to stay within a mile radius of home. Spread the word to neighbors and neighborhood children that your bird has escaped and let them know what your bird looks like. While searching, bring along a favorite toy or treat. Make familiar sounds.


•Put your bird’s cage outside so if he’s near-by he/she can see it. Many times, your bird may be near but too scared to even vocalize to

let you know it. The cage and familiar toys will help to entice him/her.


•If your bird has a favorite feathered friend, bring him/her outside (in his/her cage). You’ll only want to do this if you are home to watch over

things to insure the safety of your bird’s friend and his/her cage.


•If you have any outside pets your bird doesn’t like or fears, be sure to bring the m in so they won’t scare your bird away.


•AROUND YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD: Keep in touch with your neighbors. Make sure they know how to contact you if they even THINK they’ve heard or seen him/her.


•It’s quite possible that once your bird gets hungry, he/she will go to any human. Make sure you post signs (at least in a one mile radius

near where your parrot escaped) describing your bird and giving contact information.


•AROUND YOUR AREA: Post signs in lo cal vete rinarian’s offices, pet stores, apartment bulletin boards (usually near the mailboxes areas). Have your kids post signs on the school’s bulletin board. Anywhere you think the signs will be noticed.


If you really get the word out there, it increases the chances that your bird may be returned.


•Contact your area animal rescue/shelters and have them put your bird on file so they can look o ut for it. Make sure they have a way t o contact you. Call them every f ew days to make sure you keep it fresh on their minds. Be sure to ask how long they keep a lost animal on file and be sure to call back and re-list your bird if you’re still looking for him/her.


•Also, contact any local bird breeders and let them know about your lost bird. Speak with managers at your local pet stores and let them know when you post the lost bird poster on their bulletin board. Let them know to be on the lookout. Sometime s people ‘find’ parrots and try to sell them to pet shops for quick cash.


•Place a LOST ad in your area newspaper(s). If you offer a reward it may increase the chances that your bird will be returned. On all

posters, ads, etc. make sure you mention how your lost bird is ‘family’ to you (and your children perhaps). Stress how much you care for your

bird and it may help to persuade someone who may not in itially intend on returning a ‘found’ bird.


Tape a flyer on each side of your car on the back windows, then as you drive around looking for the bird & handing out flyers people will see a rolling advertisement. People will notice it and stop to ask about it. It is an especially good idea if you think your bird is in the nearby area.


Check with local golf courses and leave a flyer with them. Birds have been known to land on a golfer's head and recently a parakeet landed on a tennis player's head in the court.



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No luck finding charlie so far... i made flyers to post in the local restaurant, gas station, video store, and grocery store, library, that about covers the whole town, it is a small town. the neighbors know. contact the humane society, and will contact the vet monday..



it is a small town and everything is closed until monday, the only flyer i can post is the one at the gas station. only thing open on weekends... posted it on facebook so it wont take long to get around town.. one thing about a small town, word gets out quick... all my family knows and friends...


i am exhausted from looking and had to work today too.. i feel so hopeless....trying not to say how can u be so stupid to my husband... this is so frustrating to look and look and nothing..bob has been outside all day also... and we are suppose to have thunderstorms all week, which i am sure wont help..


How long will he stay hid... Will I ever find him?

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Don't despair, I believe you will find Charlie so keep looking, I doubt he went far and you seem to have the advantage of word spreading quickly in a small town so chances are good someone will spot him and contact you but I still pray for his safe return, keep good thoughts.

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don't beat yourself up - accidents happen


even clipped birds can sail out the door and catch an updraft and be in a tall tree before you know it


since you are in a small town (I live in a tiny town too) call the police and fire depts non emergency numbers and get the dispatcher (often the same person) to make a note you are looking for Charlie - that will be several more pair of eyes 24/7 helping you to look


you can also put flyers out at the traffic lights and stop signs in the area


is there a place the local kids hang out - that's another good place to post flyers and spread the word


sending prayers and positive energy that he returns home soon

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How long will he stay hid... Will I ever find him?


Most will remain completely quite and hid for 24 hours. It is a natural instinct for survival in a dangerous world full of critters that could harm them. Once they become hungry and thirsty, they become much more desperate and will of course start having to expose themselves in search of those items. They will then start possibly returning a contact call they use.


Never give up and the don't let the thought of never finding him enter your mind. Think "When" you find him. Hang in there and please know we are all with you and praying for a quick and safe return. :)

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we got a small thunderstorm today... more ran then thunder.... and i heard charlie just skretching ... went to see if i could find him but still cant... thought it was coming from the direction that we thought he went... then right after the storm i went over to that block and heard him again and it sounded as if it was coming from the other way... he must be really high or the rain made him move... he hates having water sprayed on him so i would say it was pissing him off...


I know it was him though, cause he makes the same sound in his cage and he is usually upside down throwing a fit when he does it..


this is so nerve racking.... i want to let my husband have it. but he feels bad i know... he thinks charlie will come home eventually... I hope so... but it is hard to keep hope up... this will be the 3rd night and 2nd day he has been gone.... but i know it was him screaming.... so maybe with some luck we will find him.... but then catching him might be another story...

Edited by rierie
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When you hear Charlie's calls, I would walk toward them and call back. If your husband is Charlie's favorite then he should walk toward Charlie's callls and answer him back. Take Charlie's favorite food with you. Ana Grey always comes to me as soon as she smells food. Blaming anyone doesn't help now, getting Charlie home is something you both need to work on together. Praying that Charlie is home safely very soon!!!

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