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I would like to say something


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First off, I apologize for my thread...just as I did to Talon immediately after her post in my thread.


I just need to explain a few things here! I typed this once and lost it and wasn't going to bother, but I can't just let this go!


I was the starter in the threat everyone is talking about. I posted because I had placed an order for a harness and I hadn't gotten it, gotten no response to emails or phone calls, no response to my PayPal dispute! Someone else chimed in stating that he had the facts and that wasn't the case at all. He then went on to state that I was also writing things on another forum, and that he had the facts to that as well. In another post, he stated that I hadn't given enough time and that I had a personal vendetta with birdtoys.com...all of which is not true! Only when this person started his posts that I knew were wrong, I had to defend myself. I placed the order with birdtoys.com...the only people that knew the facts about this order were me and Kevin (the owner of birdtoys.com). When someone comes back and states they have the facts...of course I'm going to think it's Kevin...any one of you would! Then he states that he has proof I've written on the other forum...the only people that would have these facts are me...and the owner of the forum Kevin, and not anyone else. I did have an ID on that forum...many months ago. After Ozziesmom told me about the other forum and the other posts from other customers with issues, I did write on that other forum as he stated until after all of this happened and under a completely different ID which I had to create that day because the old one had been deleted! Fredgrey stated that he knew I had an ID over there and that I was the same person...that was WRONG! Just because I had an ID over there, doesn't mean I used it...many people belong to other forums...the only difference was, I HAD NEVER EVER USED MY JACARUAL ID OVER THERE. But someone say I did so obviously he's right...how is that? I didn't know Kevin owned that forum until Ozziesmom told me and told me that there were posts over there! How is it fredgrey knows so much about me? How is it that fredfrey knows so much about my order? Where are his facts? When I got a PM from Talon stating this is a warning, you have been sending inappropriate PM's and messages to fredgrey and this is harassment...I was shocked! I did not contact fredgrey...in fact, I didn't post on this board for a few days just to let the dust settle. After Talon sent me this message, I sent a message to fredgrey asking why he said I was harassing him? Then what...jacarual gets banned! I don't get it. Why is it someone can't ask a member (only in this case) to introduce themselves, but a new member who's never posted here can come on in my post and state that I was lying, that I had a personal vendetta, that he had proof that I was the same person in another board posting things about the same issue? None of it was true! Any one of you would have defended yourself...just like I did! Only I'm banned and fredgrey is here! I stayed up until 3:30 a.m. talking with guess who? Kevin! He doesn't understand how fredgrey is right there in the middle of this and neither one of us knows who he is! Kevin said he didn't tell Talon he had proof of me sending inappropriate things to fredgrey. Kevin said he explained about my order and that was it! He was sending her a message to see if he could straighten it out...because the only 2 people that should be involved are the 2 people that know the truth and have the proof, and that is Kevin and Laura (jacarual)...not fredgrey, and not anyone else here! Why is fredgrey here...why is jacarual banned?


Why is everyone talking to fredgrey...and nobody is talking to me? I had 244 posts, he had 4, and all 4 of his were against me! Mine weren't against him...mine were defending his comments about me!

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Okay, now I am going to say something. I am tired of this line of talk. I am the moderator of this Room and I saw this problem thread and frankly blow it off as a problem between a customer and a service provider. I never take anyone's word for anything perhaps because I worked a law office for over twenty years and know everyone has an opinion that they believe is right and unless you have all the facts things can get out of hand with half truths and exaggeration. Talon, one of our administrators has reviewed this problem and ban the user Jacarual for thirty (30) days. As far as I am concerned that should give this topic a cooling off time and if Jacarual would like to come back at the end of the ban period, so be it. If this thread turns ugly I will close it. I for one have an apology for Talon, I should have gone back and looked at the thread again before it got out of hand and closed it before it because such a mess. Penny took the time to investigate this matter and she has rendered a just decision. And I truly trust her judgment.

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