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Hi from Debbie, owner of Dudley!

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Hi, my name is Debbie and I have 2 parrots, Nani, an Orange-Wing Amazon, 7 yrs old, (actually Nani is my daughter's), and Dudley, a CAG, who is 11 yrs. So I will introduce Dudley and me. Dudley was raised from a baby by my mom, she had me name him, and I choose Dudley. The last 7 years of my mom's life she was disable and homebound. So Dudley got used to all kinds of people coming in and out of the house. He is a very social bird. Mom was home with him all day, every day, and she talked to him like a person, or like he says "Momma's baby boy" When she was in the hospital, I took Dud to see her, and he walked all over her, but she was out of it, but I think Dud knew it was his mommy. When mom was in hospice and unconscious, my sister played a tape of Dudley, and mom reacted by moving and trying to open her eyes. We took that oppurtunity to tell her that Dudley was fine, he loved her, and I was going to care for him so she need not worry, and she settled right down. VERY hard to go thru. It was known from the beginning that I would take Dudley when my mom passed (since I was the one who got her interested in birds in the first place), and sadly that happened a little over 2 yrs ago:(. She lived in Indiana, and I am in California. So I went to Indiana and brought Dudley home with me on a plane. He actually has adjusted well, we mourned together...he lost his mommy too! When he talks, he sounds like my mom, and that was hard at first. Dudley is quite the talker, he even calls for me by calling me mommy. He blows us away when he answers questions, or joins in the conversation! We are home a lot, so Dud is out of his cage a lot too. We have 2 dogs, and Dud adjusted to them fast, in fact I have to keep Dudley from going to them to play...he thinks he owns the place! I am not sure if he knows he is a parrot! When people visit, Dudley is interested in them, he wants to visit with them, EVERYONE that visits! He is the most social bird I have ever seen. He never wants to go to bed at night, he is afraid he will miss someone or something! I had hand fed parrots many years ago, and have been around them & other birds on and off for over 30 yrs (I had my first cockatiel in 1977). Dudley is the most social and unusual parrot I have ever encountered! Anyway, probably too much information! I am an RN who has retired due to Lupus, so Dudley is with me most of the time. This is a great board!

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What a great introduction Debbie! Welcome to you and Dudley! I suspect you are going to become a fun member of the family!! Nani will fit right in has we also have an Amazon Room for our members who are Amazon parronts!!! So look around, ask any questions you might have and post some pictures of Dudley and Nani if you have any to share. Welcome to the Grey family!!!!

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:)Welcome Thank you for taking care of your mom and this Grey't Grey, and we can't for get the Zon!, Pleas tell us more and share photo's.....Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock, And please visit our Amazon Room!!!:P

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Hello Debbie and welcome to our family, glad to have you join us and we look forward to hearing more about you, Dudley and Nani.

It sounds like you have a wonderful grey and you must have some stories to tell about his antics, we all know how greys can be, and probably some of the amazon, we have an amazon room where you can share them.

We also love pictures too so if you have some of your flock you would share with us that would be great.

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Welcome Debbie, Nani and Dudley, it's GreYt having you here!!!


What a tear-jerker story. Dudley and your Mother had such a wonderful bond and life together.


Dudley is obviously very well versed in our human language and it sounds like he using very well in communicating with his new flock.


I look forward to hearing much more about him and the dynamics in your home. Also, we love photos and videos. :)

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Hello Debbie and welcome. Your story was so sad but Dudley sounds just wonderful, he seems very well adjusted for a CAG as generally they tend to be quite nervous and skittish. I'm so pleased Dudley has found a permanent home with you and your family. As for Nani he will be right at home in the Amazon room.


Don't forget the photographs ;-)

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