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Is Cosmo a fast weener? o.0


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I've been offering cosmo weening foods since about 6 weeks old. He actually didnt care for softened pellets, but took right to munching on them dry. Now at nearly 9 weeks old(this sunday) he eats alot of dry pellets and seeds as well as any veggies and fruits offered(loves apples and sweet potatoes!). He does drink lots of water on his own.

Over the past 4-5 days he has begun refusing formula especially in the afternoon and bedtime feedings. He probably only eats 25-30ccs before he starts just spitting it all over himself and giving me an annoyed squawk ("no more!"). I have tried making the formula thinner and thicker, niether has had an effect. He is still gaining weight and continues to be happy and more active by the day so I dont suspect its illness. I think he is just learning to eat for himself during the day.



His current feeding schedule is:

-offer 50cc formula first thing in the morning, then put fresh pellets and seeds(75% pellets/25% seeds) in his cage for him.

-offer 50cc of formula in the afternoon, new fresh pellets and seeds in the cage for him.

-offer 50cc of formula before bedtime, remove the food dish from the cage overnight.

-I keep fresh water in his cage for him at all times(refreshed at every feeding)


Do you guys think its time to cut out the afternoon formula?

Edited by Mawnee
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  • 2 weeks later...

Cosmo has been on two feedings for a week now. He is still taking less and less formula. Usually after a few spoonfulls he just walks away to go play and/or squawks angrily if I offer more. I would say he eats less than 25cc per feeding. Then minutes later will happily munch away on his pellets and seeds :P He eats lots of pellets throughout the day. He is 10 weeks old today. Just a few weeks ago he would charge across the room and tackle me for the formula at feeding time. Now he is completely uninterested...hes got things to do!


I'll continue to offer two feedings for another week. If he continues to refuse them I'll go ahead and cut him down to just a night time feeding.

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Some greys do wean early and if he doesn't want it then he doesn't want it and he seems to be eating pellets and other foods well so I wouldn't worry about it, he knows if he wants it or not and obviously he has better things to do than suck on formula besides if Jay says cut one feeding out then he should know.

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^ I cut one over a week ago when Jay advised me to on the 11th(From 3 to 2 feedings). But it looks like it'll be time to cut another one soon.


Lol its cute when Cosmo is like "leave me alone! I want to go play on my gym!" little guy wont even give me a chance to clean his face. I end up chasing him all over my desk with a washcloth :P

Edited by Mawnee
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Good morning and thank you. My personal feelings are to feed formula for as long as you can, it has so much in it that a baby Grey cannot get any where else. Your baby is getting ready to fly, he wants to lose weight, more important then eating. Pellets have less fat, protein etc, than formula, so the weight drops. I would like to see your baby have 2 formulas a day till around 12 weeks. Example: If your baby is eating 25cc's,2 times a day, pluse all the rest he's eating, 5cc's = a teaspoon, 50cc's =10 tsp of formula! With all he's eating, that's a lot of extra goodness. All Grey's wean at a different age. Go as long as you can..Your doing so good. Jayd

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