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Most Inspirational Moment In Your Life


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Lets see it.. Something that changed your life or the way you think about life.. I'll go first..


It seems like 2 life times ago.. really it does.. I was working for a production company in Bergen County New Jersey. I was on assignment as a video camera operator. We were doing a production of the Special Olympics...


I had never shot a Special Olympics before so I wasn't quite sure what to expect.. We got there early and the setup was 6 cameras with live switching. I was assigned the low camera which meant I was basically on the ground right near the field..


I knew from the first event it was gonna be a special day for me.. You see, the Special Olympics are competitions for the disabled and handicapped..


I can remember this moment as if it was yesterday.. Here I was, set to shoot a 100 meter dash.. ALL the runners were handicapped.. Badly handicapped in most cases..


The Gun went off and the runners started.. Oh My God.. To watch these poor souls struggle to the finish line.. Especially watching the last place finisher... NEVER QUIT even though he lost by minutes.. The EFFORT in his face was LIFE CHANGING to me.. To think of this person today still gives me drive and determination beyond belief..


We sometimes think we have it so bad in our lives.. My mother once said (god rest her soul) that if you want to see people with real problems go to a burn ward or cancer center...


Shooting this Special Olympics Event changed my life and is the inspiration for much of what I do physically.<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/08/12 15:56

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Oh my, CD, that is an awe inspiring event, and I can see how it could change anyone's life for the better, you are so right. I did not know you then, but I know you now and I can truthfully say I know in all my heart that you are a changed person today. The love and compassion you have shown for all the members here is evident throughout this forum.


This inspirational moment of yours should serve to remind all of us of how lucky we really are, for we could be a lot worse off. Thank God for what you are, an inspiration to us all.

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Ceasarsdad i can see how meeting those remarkable people would inspire you.


Tari, glad you defied the odds & are still here today.


The most major event in my life was when my mother died in a road traffic accident when i was 15 years old.I realized that life is not a rehearsal & we only get one chance at it .I vowed to live each day as if it was my last, as we never know what is waiting for us around the corner.

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Mine was similar to lovemygreys...My Mother passed away suddenly in 1996 of a heart related issue. Its like a light switch being flicked off...one moment the person is there in your life, the next they are just gone. No warning, no prediction, just gone. Its one of those events that you look back on as a defining moment, a turning point after which everything is changed. It certainly made me look at every day in a different light.


Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift and thats why we call it the present.;) Dont take today for granted, you never know whats in the cards for tomorrow...B) :) B)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/15 02:02

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Yes, usually the death of a close one has a strong effect on how we think (I'm generalizing, I know, but that's the impression I get from many people) - when my father died suddenly I had the same thing.


However, I'm not the 'change suddenly' kinda person. It takes me years to chew things over all kinds of different events happening in my life before I notice I'm slowly changing. And I see my life as one, long, continuous school of learning and gradually changing.


CeasarsDad - that was a beautiful experience. strength is often retrieved from the ones that at first glance seem the most weak in our eyes - I discovered...

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