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Look What I Found


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I was out watering my hanging baskets yesterday evening and kept hearing a soft sound and when I looked in the direction of it I saw a cockatiel in my woodshed, I went over and it didn't fly away even though it can fly. I went into the house to get a towel to catch it with and it came part way to the house but it flew back into the shed, I threw the towel over it and put it into a cage. I put food in the bowl and it ate and ate and ate like it was starved. It is a beautiful bird and must be someone's pet, I am on the lookout for the owner for they must be beside themselves with grief. I tried to take a picture of it but I can't get a good shot so I found one online that looks just like it, I think it is the pearl cockatiel.



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Oh my goodness!!!! That little gorgeous cockatiel must have known if it landed in your garden he wouldn't be ignored. How lucky he was he found you ~ all that space in Virginia and he lands in YOUR GARDEN!! I have to say, if I were a little, lonely, hungry cockatiel I would find my way to you :)


Wait till it finds it voice though - the noise.........!!!!!

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He/she is doing just fine, is chirping a little louder but it is still rather quiet, its cage is not very big but it is all I have for now but it seems to be allright, eating and sitting on the perch, doesn't play much but then it is in a new environment, seems friendly enough but I don't fool with it for it belongs to someone and I must find that person, thanks for asking about the little bugger.

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I have heard nothing, he/she is still with me, I have tried to get him out of the cage but he won't step up for me but it may be better that way for if I could get him out I might not want him to leave, I don't want to get attached to something that belongs to someone else. He is doing fine, eating and calling for us if we leave the room.

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Well Judy atleast he/she has found a good home if no one comes for him, we had a ton of cockatiels in our area just "let go" it was really sad, there was always an add in the paper "found cockatiel" but none for "lost cockatiel" people can be so cruel :(

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Well Judy atleast he/she has found a good home if no one comes for him, we had a ton of cockatiels in our area just "let go" it was really sad, there was always an add in the paper "found cockatiel" but none for "lost cockatiel" people can be so cruel :(


Just today, there is a LOST Cockatiel in our local newspaper. Lost on June 10...:( The family is devastated it said. :( :( :(

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Mother Nature is smiling down on you for saving that little bird.


Good call grabbing a towel. The one I rescued a few years ago, I foolishly grabbed out of my serviceberry bush with my bare hands. It bit THROUGH my thumb nail before I could get it inside my door. Yikes! But I made sure not to release it outside. Luckily, I knew a neighbor down the street had two 'tiels and regularly set the cage outside. My daughter and I walked over to their house and sure enough, they were shy one bird. The other one was in the back yard calling and calling and calling for its lost buddy. The one I found had been conversing with my 'tiel and budgie upstairs, and that's how I noticed it.


Two years later, that woman occasionally shows up on my doorstep with treats or small gifts to thank me for finding (and returning) her bird.

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Omg, if I name it then it will mean I will want to keep it but no I haven't found the owner yet but it has taken a liking to my hubby since it calls more for him when he leaves the room than it does for me, still holding hope that the owner will be found for it is a beautiful tiel.

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Omg, if I name it then it will mean I will want to keep it but no I haven't found the owner yet but it has taken a liking to my hubby since it calls more for him when he leaves the room than it does for me, still holding hope that the owner will be found for it is a beautiful tiel.


Oh dear, you may find it ends up in your freezer with the Elk & Deer. Tiel pie anyone? ;-)

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Oh dear, you may find it ends up in your freezer with the Elk & Deer. Tiel pie anyone? ;-)


Nah, not enough meat on it to be worth the trouble, just kidding everyone, this bird will end up with a good home even if I never find the owners but it still remains to be seen if it is in my home.

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