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Place and Time Association


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Mmm, not quite sure how to describe this, but here it goes!


Harvey's newest "adventure" is to throw himself backwards (and I mean throw) into a "baby" position in the crook of my arm. Now, whilst this doesn't sound altogether mental (I hope), he only does this in one place at a certain time of the day. That one place is when I am sitting here, at my desk in the study and the time is when I have come in from work and I am checking my emails etc.


He doesn't do this any other time (or place). He'll gladly let me "help" him into the lying position say, if we are sitting on the sofa, but when here in the study he honestly "throws" himself backwards like a petulant child on a supermarket floor!!! This is from a perching on my finger type of position! I have to be quick and luckily can read his body language and know he is going to do it, as I am sure he'd bang his head on the desk he is that stupid!!


Does anyone else have any significant, timed or placed "moments" - or is Harvey just strange!!!

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Harvey is strange, you wanted to hear it and there it is, plain and simple, a strange grey with a bizarre woman, go figure! 36_11_23.gif36_1_19.gif
Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! Actually - you're probably right!! I'd never thought of that!!!


Here's the picture though Stephen!!!



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Harvey is not strange at all.


Dayo has established several place/time events. I will not both to name them all.


Heck, my conure has several place time events as well.


In my book, Harvey is a nomal Grey.


Very cute photo. :)

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