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Please post pics of MOLTS!!!


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I think this would be a great thread to start. People could post pics of what wings and tail feathers look like during molts. I will try and get some of Abby right now even though some feathers are damaged and her tail feathers are almost all gone it would be a good start. And maybe I can get some answers I have of my own lol

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Birds don't lose their flight and tail feathers the way other feathers are lost. When they lose those flight and tail feathers, it has to do with lack of blood supply in each feather which has to happen in order for new ones to grow in. At that point, the feather falls off and another replaces it. It happens to flight and tail feathers all year long with no set time frame. So, they're not actually molting those feathers and most people don't usually save those feathers.

Normal major molting usually occurs once or twice a year depending upon how dry the skin is.


PS--nothing can be learned from those dead feathers other than that they may be chewed, cracked or broken.

So, if you're having problems or need questions answered, post a picture of your bird and ask away.

Edited by Dave007
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Ah, bless her ~ Harvey's lost quite a few flight feathers over the last year (I have six of them), but you would never be able to tell, because like Dave says, the others have grown in to compensate for the dead ones. It's only the ones that are damaged and "snap" off that show when he is flying - there may be a little gap in his flight feathers, but not for long. :)

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