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Sasha not playing with any toys


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Ok so I moved out of my parents house into my apartment about 1 month ago. Ever since I moved in Sasha doesn't seem to play much anymore. He never really seemed to play a whole lot in his cage, but would usually swing around from different toys and crawl around. Now he just sits on his favorite perch almost all day (atleast I think he does.. I sort of want to get a web cam and check in on him from work from time to time)

At first I thought maybe it was just him getting used to my new place, but he should be used to it by now.


At parents place he used to love playing on the floor. I could give him a couple toys and he would run into the corner and play with them for hours. Now he doesn't care for the floor at all. He may run around for a minute or two, but then he will come back over and wants to be picked back up.

With me he will play with the toys, and has a lot of fun, specially with stuff he can rip apart. But then I will put the exact same toy he enjoyed ripping apart for the past 2 hours, into his cage, and he won't even touch it.

I've tried playing with the toys while he is in the cage, but he just sits on the perch grooming himself.

I am worried if maybe he is becoming depressed. In old place his cage was right infront of a big window with a gorgeous view, and he would love staring out the window... now he is still in front of a window, but the window is a little above the cage, so from inside the cage he can't really see out, and even if he could the view is kinda boring.

My mom would also be around him most of the days so he atleast had someone around even if he did have to stay in cage -- although my mom usually let him out -- but now when I am gone to work he has nothing.


On the weekends when I am home all day after a while he sometimes wants to go back to his cage. So one day I was busy for a couple hours around my apartment so eh went to his cage, I left door open, and he would go on his perch for a bit, then come out go up top and stare out window for a while, then go back into his cage for a bit, then come out again, etc... But he would never jump down... So I am wondering if I should leave cage door open while I am gone to work... I think he would stay in his cage and on, but not sure if I could trust him... I just don't think it a good idea.

Every day I get home he just sitting in same spot, never come home to see him playing with anything, and I can tell his toys remain untouched. I just feel sad that maybe he is sad or depressed but I have no idea. When I get home he happy to see me and we hang out with eachother for a couple hours until it time for him to go to bed. I am just not sure what I should do, or if I am becoming worried about nothing at all.

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Wow...big change for birdie. Here is what I recommend with my limited experience..and since I live alone with my birdie. I have not yet relocated, but moving from a house with lots of social activity into a place with les...might be an adjustment. So there is going to be a bit of natural adjustment to the change..and its only been a month...so it will need time. Just try to play with him a bit. It might take a little time. I do peek-a-boo when i don't know what else to do. It is important for yourself to maintain high spirits..make a fun environment. It doesn't take much. Just talk to him and let him know you are there for him.


How old is Sasha? Were you the 'bonded one' when living with your parents. Compare your previous home and contrast with the current. Is there anything that he might be missing? I would just try to be as interactive as you can in these first few months in the different environment. Get new toys..always get new toys. Talk to him lots. :) Show him how to play...do crazy stuff..it pays off. New environments change our little feathered friends for a little time.

Edited by Elvenking
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:)Sasha has gone through a major change, something that can be hard for some Grey's. You answered most of the question yourself! Do you have a window you can put him by? Do you leave the TV on? he's not in hir home, this is all new to him! keep doing what you doing, it'll take time... Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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I'm with the others. This is a major change in living area, view, no people around all day etc.


On your question regarding leaving the cage open, my opinion is definitely no. It is just too dangerous with no supervision in an entire house full of dangers to your grey.

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ya thats what I thought.

There are 3 windows in my apartment. 1 in the bedroom (no room in my bedroom for the cage)

1 in the kitchen.. No room there either

And 1 in the living room, which is what he is infront of.

At my parents place Sasha got along with everyone, but he definitely was bonded to me.


I don't have any cable or satellite so can't really leave TV on. Although I could maybe put a dvd on loop.

Maybe I will have to get a radio and leave it on. Although I would think he may get annoyed with it if he tries to sleep.

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:)Sasha has gone through a major change, something that can be hard for some Grey's. You answered most of the question yourself! Do you have a window you can put him by? Do you leave the TV on? he's not in hir home, this is all new to him! keep doing what you doing, it'll take time... Jayd

it could take months its only been a little over 6 for me an any my Abby and she is still opening up more and more every day not every day is something new any more but its fun !!!

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I agree with what people have said, it can take months for Sasha to adjust. I've had baby Murphy for 3 months now & I feel he is still opening up & adjusting to his environment here with us. Just make sure you give Sasha lots of love & attention when you come home so he knows he is loved.


I went through the exact same scenario years ago with my Amazon. I moved out of my parents in with my girlfriend but then split with my girlfriend so my Amazon suffered. He was bonded to my ex girlfriend & my mum, he became depressed, didn't play, wouldn't come out of his cage, stopped talking & vocalising. I tried everything but he just didn't want to know. Eventually I made the decision to let him go back to his Mum (my ex) he is now happy as can be. As long as Sasha is bonded to you then things should be ok.

Edited by reggieroo
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