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Ana Grey and Her Falconry Gear


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Ana Grey and I have had a running battle for about a year and a half over her wearing a harness. She squawks like I am trying to kill her and it's never a pleasant time. Well now I have a solution that works for both of us!!!!!! Hooray!


For the last 6 months I have been looking into falconry equipment for Ana Grey and now I have a set of anklets, jesses and a leash made especially for my 292 grams grey!!!! Mike, a falconry equipment guy in Oregon was kind enough to do this for me.


I have always been able to touch Ana Grey's legs and flip her over and do just about anything with her, well except the harnessing. So putting the anklet on her is a piece of cake. The anklet is leather, well kangaroo hide, and removable so I don't have to leave it on permanently.




I have taken Ana Grey outside a couple of times and once she realized that she was tethered to me she stopped trying to fly away. I live where there are lots of hawks so I won't be letting her fly any distance, but if I am ever where the ground is flat and it is tree less I know I can give her a long lead and let her fly free, for a little ways anyway.


Edited by luvparrots
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Janet this was an excellent excellent idea. I looked into it for Alfie last year, but the man I spoke to had said they had to be a permenant fitting which obviously put me off, then I forgot about it when we got on ok with the harness, I would still think about a set for Alfie though - I think it's a lot less intrusive than the harness and Alfie lets me play with her legs too. Could you possibly post some close ups of Ana Grey in her new get up? Thanks for posting Janet.

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First let me preface this by saying, I DO NOT recommend this for other people's greys. This works for me and my grey. She has been with me since she was 4 months old and came from a very loving and caring breeder who socialized her magnificently. Ana Grey is very trusting. In my home I am the flock leader and Ana Grey knows and respects that. The anklet was made especially for her 292 gram weight. Note the size, Ana Grey is a small Timneh and she is much smaller than your 400 to over 500 gram Congos. The anklet is not the same as the ones that falcons wear as Ana Grey is much smaller and her talons and legs are not like those of a falcon. The anklet is made of kangaroo hide, leather and is removable. The leash is also not a regular falcon leash; it is not leather as Ana Grey would never be strong enough to carry a regular falcon leash or the swivel attached. I would NEVER leave Ana Grey outside alone with this anklet on as I am sure she would try to bite through it with her strong beak and would succeed. The anklet is the only thing holding Ana Grey to her leash which has a special handmade lightweight clip make for this particular leash. Mike is a great guy and he has made similar gear for a pair of bicycle riders in California who take their macaws out with them and their macaws fly along side. That all being said, here are some other pictures.




I have two anklets, although I only use one at a time. I hope this lets you see how they look and basically work.001-28-1-1.jpg

Edited by luvparrots
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I have to say this. I do leatherworking as a hobby. While it is best that they used kangaroo hide (stronger), it will still stretch. It doesn't appear to me that this anklet will get tighter with increased tension; at least I don't see that it has a "self-locking" mechanism. I'm concerned that with continued use, the leather may get loose, allowing Ana Grey to get out of the anklet. You might want to measure grommet to grommet now, while the anklet is new, and then check that length occasionally to see that it has not stretched too much. I hope I'm not coming across as negative. I just don't want you to lose that beautiful Ana Grey!

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Thank you for your concern dw31. I believe leather also shrinks up if wet and then dries so I know to be extra careful at all times. I never leave the anklet on Ana Grey when she is inside and I always check it very carefully before I put it on her. I only put the anklet on just before we go outside and continually watch at all times when she is outside that she does not bite or mess with the anklet in anyway. There is a jesse that is used with the anklet and falconers have used this same type of equipment for many years for much stronger birds than my tame Ana Grey. I appreciate your concern and believe me, the second I feel that Ana Grey is uncomfortable or that the anklet is "stretching" she will no longer be using it.

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Ana Grey have been outside enjoying the grey sky and windy breeze. Ana Grey is been wearing her anklet and jesse and we have been walking around the neighborhood sidewalk. She lets me put it on her easily and she didn't try to take flight. I guess she knows she won't be going anywhere. I am ecstatic about the success we are having. I would have posted pictures but I forgot to charge my camera. Next time!!!!

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Janet this is outstanding. what I call great lateral thinking. Its going to open up so some new avenues and enrich Ana Grey's life. Well done you. Hmm now where can I get some made for Charlie , you have me thinking hard, not always a good sign. lol.

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very cool, I think I posted this idea here or somewhere else when I first got my grey but was advised against it... but Jacques is a congo. nevertheless, very cool, and probably a lot nicer for Ana Grey than a harness =]

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Yes this works for Ana Grey and I because she is a very calm and loving grey. Perhaps being a TAG helps but I believe it is the way she was cared by her breeder and the loving and socialization she got from the beginning. I also joined this forum before I brought Ana Grey home and frankly was shocked about how cage aggressive and fearful some of the greys were. I chose to try and see if I could keep this from happening to my grey. From the beginning I have handled and touched her and she is very trusting of me. Oh she nips at me, but she has never really tried to bite down on me only show her displeasure, ie the hate of the harness and the struggles to get one on her. She and I argue and have our conflicts but I have never hurt her and she has absolutely no fear of me. The first thing Mike the falconer asked me when I called about an anklet and gear was can you touch your grey's legs. I assured him I could and that I could touch Ana Grey all over and we were truly buds. That's the reason he helped me. Besides like I said before he as made similar gear for other people as well. The equipment for Ana Grey is made much lighter than it is for falcons as Ana Grey is much smaller. She trusts me and that is the only reason I believe this has worked for us.

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