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Help. Does this look like blood in peppers poop?!?!?!! [warning: Picture of poop]


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Ok...this looks like blood to me, but I could be wrong. Also Pepper did have Lasgna tonight and Pasta w/ red sauce yesterday. I am just wondering because I love Pepper to death, but before I freak out too much can I get another opinion ?





These are his poops so far.


I may just be paranoid but I don't want to take ANY chances!

Edited by Brittany
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Any type of pasta that has tomato sauce in it will make the droppings look like that. Droppings come out in many colors because of the diet that a bird eats. People who feed pellets will tell you that the droppings come out in various colors. Your bird's droppings will go back to the way they were in 2 days unless you continue to try changing him into italian.

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Don't feel embarrassed, its never wrong to ask questions if you don't know and you do feel so much better now that Pepper is fine, he is just turning into an Italian, nothing wrong with that, I can't wait for my beets to get big enough to eat for then Josey will drop some real pretty purple ones.

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Yes, glad Pepper is back to normal! Keep watching, and PLEASE keep posting your questions! We all learn from each others questions! There was absolutely no need for you to be embarassed here. It was an excellent question!!!

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Heehee this thread made me lol HARD...in view of Dave's little post about parrot people:


You join discussion groups and share in agonizing detail each tiny movement of your parrot with other parrot owners, who then share a more-than-unusual interest in everyone else's parrot's poop. In fact, poop now occupies so much of your thought and free time that you have lost interest in politics, career, and IRA earnings.



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From a person who inspects the poop of 7 fids daily, I find your concern warrented, relevant, and educational. lol. We switched to pure-white cage paper just for the poop-inspecting properties ;)


I have a daily poop inspection, weekly weigh-in, daily crop check, daily nose/beak/foot check. While Dave might classify me as unworthly since I bought all my fids within the last 20 months, I do my best to be the best parront I can.


You are on the right track, sir.

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