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My One Woman Rescue Mission!!!


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On Sunday night I was making my way to bed and I went to close the curtains - across the road, in the gutter I could see a poor blackbird flailing and flapping about. There were only two reasons it was injured - hit by a car or hurt by a cat. There are lots of babies around at the minute, but I could see from the size of this bird that it was either the mother or father.


Anyway, I'm not sure what I was going to do with this bird, but I ran downstairs and went outside and crossed the road to the other side where the poor thing was....... to discover it was a BLACK POTATO CHIP PACKET!!!! Of course it was flailing about - it was slightly windy and was rocking to and fro!


So, let it go down in history - I tried to rescue a "Sensations" crisp packet!!!!

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Oh, go on, laugh at my expense!!! And as for the worms........I have to wrestle one from the mouth of the crisp packet - I don't care if he was taking it to feed his potatolets - that poor worm!!! :D


The funny thing was, I can just picture how "cool" I tried to make myself look when I was picking up the crisp packet - because obviously at 10pm at night I often go out litter collecting!!! Let's hope the neighbours weren't looking!!!

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