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Issac Week 29 - Lil Pooper


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My what a little character I have. Issac has been a total dream this week. Other than one particular day where he seemed to think that it was desired by me to have him poop on me. I mean, there were times he would fly to me, crap, and then fly off. I was like....what the...??? I can only imagine how he is interpreting the time I take him somewhere where it is okay to poop, and tell him to poop. Praise him. And then have him poop on me and have it not go down so well. Usually the instant warm shock of having a bird crap on me startles me a little and I go "Ahht" out loud. So he knows I am startled by it. LOL...another funny one was when he flew to my shoulder, pooped, heard me say "Ahht" and then tucked his head in my neck for scratches like, 'I'm sorry'. LOL....that was too cute.


Anyway, to update you on the formula feeding. He is still clammering for it twice a day. He lets not a drop fall and actually latches on to that syringe tip, pumping his neck. If a drop falls, I see him strying to scoop it off the counter with his lower beak. He is fanatical! One question would be, do you think I am holding him back development-wise by continuing this? He still eats his Paradise Ultimate Blend mix, and his vegetables. He is also in love with palm nuts and pasta which I give him in limited doses. I can be certain that he is well fed. Let me know your thoughts pros.


This last week he has been a total cuddle muffin offering up lots of head tucks into my neck and a peaceful presence. Got him more toys to play with over the weekend and they keep him busy. He is all of the bird I wanted, and much, much more. I feel very lucky. The adventure continues. Thanks for reading all.

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Ah, Isaac is coming on leaps and bounds bless him. I only know what I've read about the formula (as I've never fed it) and everyone says just to let them continue until they refuse it - and in Isaac's case it sounds as if that isn't going to be any time soon and he just likes the taste! I'm sure it's causing him no harm - so let him enjoy it :)

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Yeah, I cannot find anything that says it would be bad to continue his formula, but I also have never read a story similar to Issac's. Where he just loves, loves, loves it. I will have to record an updated video to show you just how proficient he is at getting it. The actual feeding of 50cc's is done in about 1-2 minutes. Also, if I allowed it...he would not stop there! He makes the cutest little noise every time he opens for the nozzle. I adore it.

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Yeah, I cannot find anything that says it would be bad to continue his formula, but I also have never read a story similar to Issac's. Where he just loves, loves, loves it. I will have to record an updated video to show you just how proficient he is at getting it. The actual feeding of 50cc's is done in about 1-2 minutes. Also, if I allowed it...he would not stop there! He makes the cutest little noise every time he opens for the nozzle. I adore it.


Isaac and I have something in common......apart from my formula is Californian Chardonnay!!! :D

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Isaac and I have something in common......apart from my formula is Californian Chardonnay!!! :D


If I say, "Wanna Eat?" (which is what I say when it's forumla time) he would come out a dead sleep of scilence and start with his whooping whistles and microwave beeps like a crazy bird. I love the moment of seeing him so excited.


I am on a steady flow of 'formula' myself. Maybe with a bit less celebration though. ;)

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:D Your baby eating formula is fine, nothing there to hurt him, Spock ate it for over 20 + weeks, he still does, thank God! Jayd:cool:


There is a bit of piece-of-mind to be had with it. Especially in Spocks case! I am so happy with Spocks progress!

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Nice update and laughed at the drive-by pooping you constitantly experienced. :P


As others said, giving formula is fine the rest of his life, if he desires it. There is no doubt he is and has been weaned a long time. It is a closeness the two of yu share and it is special.


Thanks for another weekly update.

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Nice update and laughed at the drive-by pooping you constitantly experienced. :P


As others said, giving formula is fine the rest of his life, if he desires it. There is no doubt he is and has been weaned a long time. It is a closeness the two of yu share and it is special.


Thanks for another weekly update.


It does feel like a special moment that we share. I will get that most recent video up soon.

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