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Feathered Phonics


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George is learning new words now all the time and i was wondering has anyone here ever used the feathered Phonics cd's? I bought one on 24 parrot and received it on the post today but im not sure how long you would leave the cd on repeat on the phase you want to teach him... I dont what to over do it. I thought maybe for ten minutes twice a day?

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I havent tried those cds at all

I actually think I prefer to teach Kookie myself by repeating things...LOL funny cos he says them exactly like me, and sometimes add up or mix phrases. its Kinda funny


Greys will pick up words you say, and sounds that are repeated and you will enjoy it...

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I have never tried the cd's either, some I know have and said they saw no difference and have had better joy from other members of the family teaching their birds -the only word ozzie says that I have said is the sh word for poop and step up, 8 years and thats all he says of mine and I didnt even teach him the first as such (he heard me saying it when it took my over a week to remove glossed woodchip from our new homes walls and I had skinned all my knuckles:D) Ozzie copies everyone in the house except me, I have 4 kids and he even copies the cats and much stuff from the tv, luckily he does not use the F word or similar yet its in loads of films these days:eek: As I am his main care giver, My Hubby alan, is is his biggest 'threat' as such, as he is my partner and ozzie understands this so its Alan's voice he does the most, Alan just has to say a new word or phrase song etc to him a few times over 3/4 days and ozzie copies straight away, as I type he is whistling away to the theme tune from 'In the night garden' a toddler tv show in uk and this is just what he has picked up from listening, I cant see any harm in trying the cd's but I think you will have more fun trying to teach him yourself and getting friends and family to join in then you get added bonuses of accents and mixed up words and phrases lol.

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Your bird wil learn words from you associated with items or actions. The CD's and other such tools for sale out there are fairly useless and if the bird did pick up a word it happened to just like, it would have no meaning behind it at all. It would simply be mimiking a "Sound" it thought was cool.


These birds are highly intelligent and a cd, tv or stereo playing in the background is simply background noise to them. Most pay no attention to it other than having a little feeling of not being so isolated in the deafening quite of the home when all are gone.


If you offer you bird an apple, say apple. If you are washing a bowl, say "I'm washing the bowl" etc. Associate words with actions and items as your bird watches intently (which they do). It will soon start saying things it eithers wants by name or describing what you are doing.

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George associate saying hello Joe and hello Georgie with getting food cos when I'm eating and he says these i give him some of what i am eating. So now all day it's hello Joe, Hello Georgie George, hello hello even though i do as Dan has said also and i say peanut when i give him a nut and grape when i give him a grape but if he see's one he'll still say hello joe etc... He's all mixed up Lol

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Greys will pick up words you say, and sounds that are repeated and you will enjoy it...


Yeah I can attest to that one, wait until they start combining things too! Loki has started to do just that. The other day she asked me "Do you want to score?" If only she knew how we took that one lol! she got the "do you want to..?" from me cause I always ask her that.. and the score part was Bryan trying to teach her to cheer for the Leafs during hockey season.

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