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Plz Help ozzie win!


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Ozzie and I are just new to the forum but we hope to be around for a loooooong time:p


I really Hope its ok to ask (but please remove if not) Ozzie is in a Britains pets got talent competition, at the moment he is leading but is currently being threatened by a hamster erm climbing the stairs, (lovely little hamster but all hamsters can do that) I would love to show the UK how talented these Birds are and need all the help I can to help him win, so far the competition has been fraught with cheats and luckily the promoters are keeping an eye on things, some people have been really nasty too (obviously not grey owners;) as we are all caring people) anyway he needs a quick vote if anyone can spare 2 seconds please, its 1 vote per person and last day for voting is this friday (11 june midnight uk time) this is the link.




if this is not allowed ort I am too new please feel free to move , I wont be offended :cool:


if I can ever return the favour also, please let me know, many many thanks Ali n Oz x

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Ozzie and I are just new to the forum but we hope to be around for a loooooong time:p


I really Hope its ok to ask (but please remove if not) Ozzie is in a Britains pets got talent competition, at the moment he is leading but is currently being threatened by a hamster erm climbing the stairs, (lovely little hamster but all hamsters can do that) I would love to show the UK how talented these Birds are and need all the help I can to help him win, so far the competition has been fraught with cheats and luckily the promoters are keeping an eye on things, some people have been really nasty too (obviously not grey owners;) as we are all caring people) anyway he needs a quick vote if anyone can spare 2 seconds please, its 1 vote per person and last day for voting is this friday (11 june midnight uk time) this is the link.




if this is not allowed ort I am too new please feel free to move , I wont be offended :cool:


if I can ever return the favour also, please let me know, many many thanks Ali n Oz x


The hamster climbing the stairs is my hamster.....OF COURSE IT'S NOT!


Ooh, there seems to be a lot of politics involved in Tesco's latest competition - bloody hell - it's just a competition!!


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt too and hope you haven't registered just for our votes!! I hope you stay around for a bit (dependent on which bit of the Tyne & Wear you adopt :D).


Ozzie gets my vote!!!!

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aww cheers all it really is much appreciated:cool:


I cant believe all the nastiness thats been involved, it should be fun , lol and no worries jilly i'm in for the longhaul, it was cheeky to ask straight off I know but it will be the last one that I do that I do know and I'm from newcastle;) a pure geordie, now am I on the right side of the Tyne lol;)


yep spock its 1 entry per person to make it fair,:o

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Just voted...cute video...but I got a question for you...does he really like Doritos?


he loves them to the point of rediculous but only give him tiny bits and wipe the salt off, he usualy gets salt n shake crisps without the salt as its not good for their lil kidneys he often wooshes down and flies of with the whole bag, which you then have to retrieve quickly as he can arf stuff them down lol

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I do that I do know and I'm from newcastle;) a pure geordie, now am I on the right side of the Tyne lol;)


Ha Ha Ha!! That's okay then - phew, it was nearly difficult for me for a minute!!


PS to everyone else - I know you haven't got a clue what we are on about - but we are very mysterious from these parts!!!!

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