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change of behaviour


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Dolly (my grey) is very friendly to me and only me, she will sit on me, take food from me, kiss me, and speak to me constantly (untill someone else walks in) My problem is that she used to come out of her cage on my hand, but now she wont come out anymore, only if i leave the cage open, then she comes out when she is ready. I can put my hand in her cage and she'll rub her head on me and push me to tickle her head, but she will not come out on my hand.

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what does she do if you offer her a treat to step up? does she still refuse? Does she try to peck your hand if your trying to get ger to step up without a treat or does she just ignore your hand, also how old is she, my Oz did this for a while as he entered the kevin and perry stage this lasted a few weeks and he still does it occassionally now but usually when he simply doesnt want to come out of his cage he just turns his back on me if he cant be bothered and blows a raspberry!

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She's fussy with treats, nothing seems to be her favourite, she either wants it or doesn't, her only love is egg white but its not often you just happen to have it handy. She doesn't bite me, she puts her head down for a tickle then climbs as high as she can so i cant get her, i still try and she still doesn't bite but continues to run away. If she finally goes onto my hand, as i take her out she grabs the cage and runs away again. ARGHHHHHH she will come out if i leave her cage open. but i have stopped leaving it open as i think she is getting too used to the idea that she doesn't need to come to me to get out.

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Hi Chrissgee, have you introduced yourself in the Welcome Room so everyone can say Hey and get to know you???? Sounds like Dolly is just finding out that she has a say in what she has to do. I personally would just open the door and let her come out when she wants. Their cages are they domain and like all of us some times we just need some space. I find that if I just leave my 2 year old Ana Grey alone she comes to me on her own and we are both are so much happier for being able to make choices.

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;)Hello, all reply's are great, I agree with Janet,[luvspattots], leave the door open, by doing what your doing, your could be causing another change your baby might not understand! Remember also, your babies maturing!:) Jayd

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""""""I can put my hand in her cage and she'll rub her head on me and push me to tickle her head, but she will not come out on my hand. """"


She used to do just the opposite but now she won't? She's a different age now and developing new habits that she feels comfortable with. Greys never continue their baby sweetneess as they get older. The problem you have really isn't a problem at all. She'll step up for you when she's out of the cage so that means she's not afraid of stepping up on you. You know, it actually could be worse. Some birds, as they get older will not let a person put their hands in a cage without biting them even though they used to be the opposite. Your bird has developed a protective attitude with that cage and will only allow you to do limited things and that's a common thing for many parrots. Expect different changes as the bird gets older because she hasn't reached her full potential. Not to worry.


I need to say one other thing though----letting any bird put his/ her head in your mouth can cause a bird to get ill because of the natural germs that are in your mouth plus you'll never know when your bird will decide to look at your tongue as a tasty morsel. A person can't get sick from a bird but a bird can get ill from a person. And, what's in your mouth is potentially toxic---example, saliva.

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Oh dear, she also likes to drink from the same glass...WHOOPS I'll have to change her habits. I really didn't know that. My african grey eats from my plate, maybe i should stop that too.

:)Your birds shouldn't come in contact with your mouth in any way! Have separate plates, silverware, etc and no mouth or kissing!:( Thanks Jayd:D

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