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Hi! ;)


Rawley here.. 3 days away from going to pick up my CAG Sylvia.

I haven't met her yet, as she is over 450 miles away in Ohio (I live in Virginia, USA) so I am super excited and also very nervous. :rolleyes:


In my avatar is one picture of her, I believe she is the one facing us with the tag on her left foot.


I'm getting her from this nice Bird Store that took me months to decide on.

Here's a link to their website, it's really great and has lots of videos of different birds and their shop.

I suggest browsing around because the store looks like an incredible place, I can't wait to visit. I wish I had somewhere like this around where I live...




the first two videos on this page are Sylvia and her sister Rosebud during their daily playtime.



Thank you so much for this forum... what a great place for information, it's been a huge help to me over the past few months.



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Welcome Rawleyd, most members here get their greys direct from the breeders but my Beau was also bought from a reputable store - they aren't all rogues though I know many are. You are in for very exciting times with a new grey, they certainly bring lots of joy with them but they are also quite needy, t looks like having been a long time visitor to the forum so have done your homework and are well aware of this though. Should you need any help or advice though we have many knowledgeable members here who can advise you, just ask away.


We look forward to reading about Sylvia's homecoming and the months and years that follow.

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Thank you for the welcome Joolesgreyuk.


AFAIK, this store breeds and raises all sorts of different parrots. They have their own nursery and have been doing it for over 20 years (husband and wife). It took me what seems like FOREVER to find a place that I was comfortable with their methods, lol.


I can't wait to bring her home. :D

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Hi there ~ welcome to our family! It's great you've taken the leap and decided to join us. You will have learned so much already by lurking, but now you can jump right in there and ask the questions you'd like to! Sylvia looks like such a cutie! I can remember the anticipation of collecting Harvey too - you must be soooo excited.


Looking forward to hearing more about you both ~ and of course, the mandatory photographs!!! :)

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jilly and jacarual, thanks for the welcome! :)


I have finally taken the "leap" as you call it after years of wanting to be the owner of a Grey. I almost can't believe it's really happening. ^_^


I am so excited and nervous that it's almost making me sick to think about it LOL.... I can't wait.



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Welcome Rawley and Congratulations on getting your beautiful CAG soon!!!


It's GreYt having here and thanks for posting the link to the store. I did enjoy viewing their videos, nursery abd photos. They are a far cry from most pet stores. Really there are not many comparable, but they do exist and I believe set the standard other stores should follow.


Looking forward to hearing updates and seeing photos, videos etc. :)

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Spock here! ok, your getting me another subject, thank you, it's hard being Grey King, you guys are scattered all over this planet!!!! , No problem, I approve of the name.....[she's a lady] Gotta fly now, OK OK OK.....I'M LEAVING....

What a beauty, and can't wait for pictures and you first Thread, always the best!!! Maggie, Jayd... Me to, Spock!!!!!

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wow, thanks everyone for the warm welcomes! ^_^


danmcq, I'm glad you liked the website... as soon as I found the place i knew that's where I wanted to buy my Grey. I can tell she really takes care of her birds.. i'm personally very excited to see the nursery and playgrounds. haha.


only about 28 hours til I leave on my road trip! >_>

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Ohh gosh...how old is the baby birdie? Not sure if it's a baby nut it's ate in the evening here..and I assume. Ohh I love hearing about moments like this. I cannot wait till you get your bird...and do us all a favor here..and post your experience..i think we all find it to be the most gratifying things to hear how others have this wonderful ride. Many wishes for love with your bird.!!

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