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Nearly a year, and boy can he bite!


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Paco will be celebrating his first hatch-day on Thursday. What a year!


In any event, I have to admit, I have failed him in socialization skills. He is definately a one person bird, but I don't get enough company, nor do I know my neighbours (Hence my need for a parrot over a nasty little dog that would need to be walked! LOL). So, poor Paco is the one to suffer for it.


This past weekend my parents were here for a visit, and I thought that it would be a good opportunity for Paco to spend a bit of quality time with someone other than me. He was willing to step-up for them both, but quickly nipped my mom's hand which scared her enough to pass him back to me. Poor Dad nearly lost his finger he got bit so hard. Pacs left him with a V shaped blood blister right above his first knuckle.


I too get to join the "Bite Me Club" as I have been taking on more bites lately as well. Normal behaviours that we used to enjoy together are no longer tolerable, and I can see he is actually considering whether he wants to be with me, or left to his own devices. I try to respect that, and God help my poor hands if I get it wrong!!! I hope this is just a nasty little phase that we are going through.

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Testing the relationship a bit and establishing his own ground rules he is growing up. I think you can give him some space and work past this with some patience and training either his or yours. Funny how they change both in what they like and who they like as times goes on. You will do fine as I can tell you are learning his language.

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It is not too late to change his routine and introduce him to new people. We got a backpack/ travel cage and we take our guy to an outdoor coffee shop to see other people. Maybe you can invite people over just to get him used to seeing other folks? He is still a wee one and moldable. It would be beneficial for him to know more people and have more experiences, so he doesn't get nervous and phobic as an older bird.

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