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Soggy pellets


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For weeks I've been wondering how Cleo manages to get her pellets so soggy and mushy. I would give her fresh pellets in a clean dry bowl, and within an hour or so they would all be soggy and squishy, so I would change them again, thinking wet pellets would breed bacteria and that she would not enjoy soft mushy pellets.


Over the weekend I figured it out. I witnessed Madam scooping water in her beak, pelican style, dripping everywhere, and dumping beakful after beakful of water on her pellets.


I guess this must be a step up from what she used to do, which was grab a pellet in her beak, swish it around in the water bowl, then eat it.

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I guess they have to continually find some new way to amuse themselves but that must have been so funny to watch but you are right about one thing, the pellets would go sour and spoil soon after becoming soaked, she must get great amusement from doing that, have you ever tried one of those water bottles? 4_1_213.gif

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I just recently put a water bottle into Rene's cage because I was sick of smelling the stink of the soaking pellets ;) well Rene took on good look at it shook the hell out of it and bent the hooks holding it on LOL I guess he told me!! Well I re-bent the hooks and the water bottle still stands, but Rene is now bringing his pellets TO THE BOTTLE and letting them hit the ball so they get wet, he takes a bite then drops them... UGH I CAN'T WIN!!

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Yeah I can't see Cleo using a bottle for its intended purposes. I imagine she would spent quite some time trying to get the ball out, and failing that, chew the living daylights out of the little pipe holding the ball. She's a most devoted chewer that one.

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Hahahahahahha! That is all fantastic! Paco likes his pellets wet as well, which results in stinky water that grosses me out too. If I don't change it fast enough, he purposefully (I swear) stands above it and looks right at me while taking a dump in it. I think he caught on that this is the worst thing he can do and gets the desired reaction everytime, so I keep two water bowls for him.

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