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Changing clothes with birds clinging to you


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Does this happen to anybody else? I tried setting them on my bed and they kept jumping back at me hanging from my clothes. Daffy would not get off my shoulder for nothing, Noogie was climbing up and hanging from my shorts and when I leaned over to grab my shirt, Chiku jumped on my back. I finally got Noogie and Chiku off but had to put my shirt on with Daffy sitting on my shoulder. I might have to change the rules and not let the birdies in my room with me!

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Does this happen to anybody else? I tried setting them on my bed and they kept jumping back at me hanging from my clothes. Daffy would not get off my shoulder for nothing, Noogie was climbing up and hanging from my shorts and when I leaned over to grab my shirt, Chiku jumped on my back. I finally got Noogie and Chiku off but had to put my shirt on with Daffy sitting on my shoulder. I might have to change the rules and not let the birdies in my room with me!


That last bit sounds like a good idea to me lol. Actually it's not unusual for a bird to take a dislike to a particular item of clothing, flapping all over the place when you enter the room wearing it, usually a loud colour or design or stripes but I've not heard of a bird trying to stop you changeing before lol.

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You might just have to do that but I have changed clothes with my sun conure sticking to my shirt, I will pull the shirt off with her still clinging to it and she will wait patiently until I put on the next one and then I lean over and she will climb back on, I have done this many times but not with Josey.

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They do love to be on you and "Help" dress you and perhaps even ventilate your apparel as a "Benny" for allowing them to do so. That extra air flow helps on these hot summers days. :P


My wife does not allow Dayo in the room when she is changing due to the same issues you listed.


Me? Well I proudly allow Dayo to help out dressing and undressing. They become very adept for example at walking your shirt off you as you pull it off. Then they assist by walking on it again as you pull a clean one on. He is also very good at undoing the velcro straps on my tennis shoes whether I am actually trying to take them off or not. Oh and he also likes to check my shiney belt buckle out to ensure it is firmly attached to the leather portion, you know, safety first with Dayo. :P


You will either find it amusing or you will hate it and keep birdies out of the room when changing. Each person can handle stress differently, my wife is one that can not. ;)

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Maddox, our sun conure, is like velcro. He LOVES to ride me around the house and when it comes time to change a shirt, we do "1.... 2.... 3.... LAUNCH!" and I very carefully hurl his little feathered butt into the air. The greys are great about stepping up when I ask them to get off my shoulder but the conures turn into bandsaws. They're all sweetness and light until I reach for them to get them to step up off my shoulder.

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I know that all too well, my sun conure can be all sweetness and light but in a flash she can turn into a buzzsaw!


I've found it interesting (and painful) that the smallest beaks in the house are the ones you need to watch out for lol.

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Maddox, we do "1.... 2.... 3.... LAUNCH!" and I very carefully hurl his little feathered butt into the air. [/quote



lol...that's funny! I'm afraid I can't do that though because I have a ceiling fan in my room. Yikes!


Our ceiling fans only run at night when everyone's caged. I'd never be able to live with myself... /shudder

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My birds are always ready to help with my dressing. Not only are they very helpful with the clothing, but with other grooming chores as well. The conures are always anxious to participate in tooth brushing by sitting on my shoulders imitating spitting and gargling sounds and grabbing for the toothbrush. They also are helpful with hair brushing. The cockatoo is a particularly talented hair stylist.

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Cleo just likes to chew holes in my clothes, especially my t-shirts. As for not liking a particular item of clothing, I have a t-shirt with a large colourful Aboriginal design fish on it. The first time Cleo saw it she had a major freak out, and if she happens to catch sight of it these days she wearily eyes it sideways.

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I am so glad I am not the only one who goes through that. Bandit thinks she needs to help me also. Every night after our shower she thinks she needs to sit on my shoulder while dressing. I have found that if I am in a hurry she gets locked up in the horrible cage. :( She is never too happy with me for doing this.

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