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Am I fired? :x Yoshi videos! :)


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I haven't been on here in a while, and I returned to some very thoughtful messages that made me smile :) It's nice to know I've been missed, and I am sorry! I hope I will be forgiven for my lack of posting... life is just busy right now. I love this forum though, so it's nice to come back and catch up a bit!


Yoshi is doing well, two fully grown flight feathers and two poking out :P She still has several clipped feathers, so I hope they hurry up and fall out! She still flaps around like crazy, and I've seen her actually get a small amount of lift lately. No more terrible crash landings... this is all pretty good for having 4 flight feathers, two only half grown in :P She is trying! I'm proud of her :)


She still yells when she wants us and we can't get to her just yet. The worst is when she is on her stand and is not content even with us just 5 feet away doing something. Honestly, this is usually when she wants me. She is obsessed with being with me all the time, and sometimes that just isn't possible... it's frustrating and we feel like we have tried everything over the last 4 or 5 months with not much success... don't know what else to do.


When Yoshi isn't yelling for attention, she is a very happy birdie :P She loves to be in the shower with me! She gets a full soaking once or twice a week... but she still was yelling to come in the shower EVERY time I have a shower. She throws a fit if I take a shower without her. Well I bring her in with me, and she wants nothing to do with the water! She complains if she gets soaked more than twice a week... it seems all she wanted was to always JOIN me. So now, the last two weeks, she has been joining me in almost every shower, and if she isn't into getting wet she just sits on her stand, most of the time now even resting with her foot up, and talks up a STORM. She throws her head about and yells 'Peek-A-Boo' at the top of her lungs and shivers off when water splashes on her. Of course most of the talking is nonsense and she loves being a seagull most, squawking... that's actually the only time I hear her seagull impression anymore. So she has turned into quite a happy shower companion, and my showers have been getting longer, lol, as I am distracted by her antics!


Yoshi had a day of tasty foods Friday... egg in the morning, chicken and corn, and pasta at dinnertime. She just loves to be included at mealtimes, although she makes a huge mess :P


Soooo... also Yoshi has become a CRAZY dancer. She moves her head to music... like a maniac :x She is also falling in love with the camera, so I've had to sneakily capture videos of her lately :P She doesn't do it all the time, but I've managed to capture a couple pretty FUNNY videos lol :)




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Hahahahahahahahahaha, loved the 3 videos of Yoshi dancing. :)


It's good to see you back again. Yoshi sounds like a normal Grey wanting attention and to be with their "Soul Mate". Wait until Yoshi is flighted. No matter what you are doing, you will have Yoshi on your shoulder, back as you bend down or hanging of your butt if your almost bent upside down. :P


My wife has gotten to where she just shakes until Dayo flies off and I must say, I get some good laughs out of watching her do this. :P


But, she doesn't find it so humorous...... :confused::rolleyes::cool:

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Hahahahahahahahahaha, loved the 3 videos of Yoshi dancing. :)


It's good to see you back again. Yoshi sounds like a normal Grey wanting attention and to be with their "Soul Mate". Wait until Yoshi is flighted. No matter what you are doing, you will have Yoshi on your shoulder, back as you bend down or hanging of your butt if your almost bent upside down. :P


My wife has gotten to where she just shakes until Dayo flies off and I must say, I get some good laughs out of watching her do this. :P


But, she doesn't find it so humorous...... :confused::rolleyes::cool:


Lol no idea why she wouldn't find that funny :P

Honestly I'd soooooo rather Yoshi could just fly to me. I can't wait until she can. I've never had clipped birds before, and I never wanted Yoshi to be clipped, so it's interesting! But it just breakes my heart when she tries so hard for just a tiny bit of lift with her 4 feathers... but the day is comming :P

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