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New to Grey's

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Hi I am new to this site and I wanted to join because I was recently given a Grey by a family member. I own a cockatiel and have had other birds, but none like this one! He is 17 years old and very independant, but demanding for attention at the same time. So far my biggest problem with him is that he was never taught to perch on your finger and will not allow me to pick him up. There are times when let out, he will walk over to me if it's quiet and he feels comfortable. Odviously I have a lot to learn about the species so any suggestions are appreciated.

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Hi & Welcome to our Family. We have a wealth of information here. Just look around and you'll find lots to read. We are happy to help with any questions you may have, so don't be afraid to ask.

How long have you had your grey? It might be he just needs time to adjust to his new home. We love pictures here, so please post some when you can. :)

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Hello, Deamarhut, and welcome to the family, we are glad you joined and looking forward to hearing more about your grey.


I assume the grey came to you as the previous owner could not keep him anymore. Were they the original owners and had him ever since he was a baby?


I am surprised he was never taught to step up and he is 17 years old, how did they manage that. You will need to teach him to step up and he can learn to do that.


We have a lot of threads here that deal with all aspects of the care, feeding and training greys. You need to skim thru them for the ones you need, and read them, you will find a lot of good information you need to know.


If you have specific questions, please don't hesitate to ask, we will be more than happy to answer the best we can.


If you have a photo of him you want to post, please do so, we love to look at each other's greys.

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Hi Deamarhut,


Welcome to the Forum. You have come to the right place for information and help in getting to know your new Family member.


How long have you had him at your residence?


When you say he is demanding of attention and also shows you affection, how does he go about that?


Will he step up onto a perch if you manually open the Cage and with a perch in your hand place it in front of him to step up on to?


With Greys or any other Parrot for that matter, TRUST is the most important thing you need to gain with your new friend.


After that, the friendship develops :-)

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Hi everyone and thank you for you responses. Since I have recieved them I have been asking more questions (that I should have asked from the beginning!) I have had Buddy for about a month, but I have been acquainted to him for under a year. The previous owners had him for 2 years, and got him from other family members. Basically he has been passed around the family because no one has had the time or patience to care for him properly, and all were determined to see him go to a good home. I am determined to give that to Buddy!

I have continued to attempt to teach him to perch on my finger, but everytime I do he tries to get a scratch.

With time and trust allowed to grow, not forcing him, and reading I am learning more about his beautiful personality and his requirements for his species thanks to this website and the links you all have provided. It is greatly appreciated and very helpful.

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Hi deamarhut,


It's good to hear that things are progressing with Buddy. His wanting scratches while your are trying to get him to step up is ok. He sounds like a sweet guy that wants some good loving before he starts working :-)


Your patience and love will pay off, as it has a little already.


Your searching through this forums threads and reading the topics is commendable and shows your love and determination to give Buddy a good, safe permanent home.


We enjoy hearing from you! I would encourage you to post any and all questions you still have or may just need clarification on to this Forum.


Since you are a "Family" member here now, we truly wait with anticipation for your next update to hear of Buddy's progress.


Post some photos of him when you get a chance. We love photos! :woohoo:

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It is probably going to take a little time for Buddy to feel really comfortable in your home if he was passed around several times, he does not know where his real home is yet. I think you are doing all the right things, just be patient with him and soon he will come to trust you and allow you to interact with him more.


Post a few pictures of Buddy if you have them, we love pictures here. And keep us informed as to how it is going with Buddy.


Remember, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask, we will be glad to answer any and all the best we can.

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