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Spock's Blood


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Well, It seems like everything might be coming together finally. I don't think we'll ever know what the major illness was, the antibiotics took care of it, but the cause of Spocks condition might be solved.

As you might remember, Spocks symptoms were[are], Tired, no weight gain, weight loss, no absorption of vital nutrient's and feather disorder. While on supplements, he improved, his weight increased as well as his energy. and his blood chemistry was better. When he was taken off the supplements, he started to relapse. We restarted his supplements and his weight has returned, as well as energy and general well being, and a huge appetite.

So, Spock's diet should have warned us, as some of you stated, "he needs a 5th opinion!". Well, right-on. Spock eats no pellets, and very few seed, he seeks out and gobbles "CARB's", the word's "high metabolism" were said many time's.

Any guess?

Hypoglycemia!!!!!, low blood sugar!!!!! [pancreas]

He seeks out carb's, carb's convert to sugar, sugar equals energy!!!!!

Something is wrong with his pancreas. [Diabetes?] He has a resistance that is keeping his body from adsorbing nutrients and sugar. He's hyper all the time, from his diet, thank God for his diet, now we have to learn how to balance his diet!!!!!

So all of the vet's were right to a extent, it took a 5th opinion! I'm diabetic and didn't see it.We have to wait and see, more test, he's opposite of regular diabetes, low blood sugar instead of high...Spock was raised on a regular diet of pellets and seed etc, it wasn't till he became sick that he sleeked out high carbs.....

Love you all

Jayd, Maggie and Spock


NOTE: A question that has floated around is "What doe's a Grey eat in the wild if he's sick? Spock might show that a Grey can take care of themselves in the wild.....

Edited by Jayd
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Jay you might have hit the nail on the head and that can be controlled by his diet if I am correct but it does make you feel better to at least have an idea of what is wrong with Spock, I guess the next step is a vet visit to confirm your suspicions.

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wow excellent news. Big kisses for Spock. I was thinking of him this weekend actually for no serious reason. Actually my parrot lay on his back with my son and I remembered the picture of Spock on his back. Its funny how often you all are in my thoughts.

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Wonderful news that you have a rock solid answer and it can be treated with proper diet changes and suppliments.


Did the vet mention if their are any drugs that may treat low blood sugar in parrots?


Thanks for the idate on Spock.

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:) Jayd forgot to mention that since we resumed the supplements, Spock's put on 10 grams in 5 days, and is pretty much stable at 440 to 444 grams after big bomb now for over 2 weeks.....:) Thanks



;)Thanks Everyone!!!!!!

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Totally happy for you Spock!!!! As a As a diabetic myself, you have my utmost support for a healthy life for you!!!! kiss, kiss!

This is what bothers me the most, as a diabetic, I didn't see it,:mad: he showed all the symptoms of low blood sugar, and I was well aware of birds being diabetic!!!:(

Thanks all:)


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Don't feel so bad Jay, sometimes we have the answer staring us in the face and we don't recognize it for what it is but it is revealed now and Spock will be the picture of health soon and congrats on the weight gain, way to go Spock, you are on course.

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I agree Jay, you can't feel bad about not recognizing it! Look at how many people run around with diabetes themselves without recognizing it. Even with the same symptoms it may have been different in birds unless you had seen it before. You said it yourself, it took 5 different vets to see it, and they have the training!

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