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Is your grey terrified of anything?


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Text commmunication is so hard to convey facial expressions, tone of voice and the way the person typing was speaking in their "Mind" as they wrote it. :)


The only way we can possibly somewhat communicate our feelings as writing is to use the emoticons we have available. :)




I have the same issue at work an emails. I am a very logical to the point email composer and really must be careful how I word things or I offend people. Even then, it is still interpreted wrong. :(


With that said, Dayo is FRIGHTENED when I Raise my voice and am pissed off...even the dobermans go hide. All any of them know, is they do not want to be there when I unlease my rath on someone or something.... I don't know why :confused:


Hopefully this is both a constructive comment and on topic as well. ;)


If not read that way, then GO TO HELL!!! :P:confused::mad:;):cool: NOTE: ALL emoticons intensionally used to confuse and amuse you. :P

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Our flock has a few things that will send everyone flying. We have a very large great room, 30 feet tall with windows all the way up. so they can see everything. We also live on a large lot (30+ acres) so there's a lot of wildlife out and about. Our green cheek with the broken wing has accepted the responsibility of Lookout. All our fids utter a low twill when it's "Danger, Will Robinson!" time, and he's the first one to alert the flock. What sets everyone off:

1) Hawks ('nuff said)

2) Airplanes (look like hawks?). Everyone freaks, and we have a military base not too far away so we get a lot of Apache/C-130/Blackhawk fly-bys.

3) Bunnies! If Dusty sees a bunny we go to DEFCON-1. /shakes head

4) Quail. We have two regular flocks that frequent our pine trees for cover, and Dusty always goes battle stations when he sees them.

5) The Red Broom. They don't care about the yellow broom, but The Red Broom of Doom is EVIL!

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Umm Pepper is terrified of this alligator head my parents have [its a tiny one], brushes, MASKS, vacuums, brooms/mops, etc lol


omg any kind of mask and he goes nuts. I dont even bring them out if hes around because that is just really messed up to do so.

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Paco is scared to death of branches. How can a bird be scared of branches? Good God! He's fine with his perches, which are all quite "branch" like, and he has a large manzanita birch the length of his cage, but if I try to introduce him to any other natural branches, he loses his mind and then cowers in the corner vibrating like a little mouse!

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Paco is scared to death of branches. How can a bird be scared of branches? Good God! He's fine with his perches, which are all quite "branch" like, and he has a large manzanita birch the length of his cage, but if I try to introduce him to any other natural branches, he loses his mind and then cowers in the corner vibrating like a little mouse!


aww perhaps they look like snakes or something... Jacques really did not appreciate seeing my sister's flute... :\


but Jacques is scared of a lot of things... haha

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very interesting responses.

I bought a branch at the parrot place and Sasha was freaked out by it to. Which ended up being ok because it was too big for his cage anyways. I went back to parrot store, bought a smaller one. that looks exactly the same . Introduced it to Sasha, he didn't seem to mind, so put it in his cage, and it is now his favorite perch... I don't get it heh.

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I tried introducing Dorian to a treat stick once, and he was terrified of it. I did everything I could think of to convince him it was a good thing, including pretending to eat from it, but he was having none of it. So I used it. I had a friend who would come over and look after Dorian if I was away. He used to like Debbie, but now he knows Debbie being here means mom is away, and he trys to attack her when she changes his dishes. All she has to do is wield the 'treat stick of death' and he stays clear long enough to get everything done :)

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Well Murphy is still only a baby so pretty much anything new is looked at with much suspicion & mistrust. If I don't introduce things slowly then he off like shot. I try to introduce him to a new object everyday to get him used to all manner of things, don't know if other greys do this but Murphy puts his head down for a tickle from nearly every object I show him :confused:


A couple of things have terrified him though, like one day I swept up round the base of his cage while he was at the bottom in his food dishes & as soon as he seen the brush out came the African Grey growl.


Then one time I put on a light blue hooded top to go outside & the same thing when I walked past his cage, he sat all fluffed up growling like the dog :eek:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well Murphy is still only a baby so pretty much anything new is looked at with much suspicion & mistrust. If I don't introduce things slowly then he off like shot. I try to introduce him to a new object everyday to get him used to all manner of things, don't know if other greys do this but Murphy puts his head down for a tickle from nearly every object I show him :confused:


A couple of things have terrified him though, like one day I swept up round the base of his cage while he was at the bottom in his food dishes & as soon as he seen the brush out came the African Grey growl.


Then one time I put on a light blue hooded top to go outside & the same thing when I walked past his cage, he sat all fluffed up growling like the dog :eek:


LOL, Sylvee did the exact same thing.. when I finished sweeping up her cage, as soon as she spotted the yellow bristles of the broom she started growling something terrible. O_O

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Yea, Tobie couldn't fly a lick when he had chewed his right wing even though his left wing was fully feathered. But then again he chewed them off at the skin. I know what you mean "dropped like a stone". I still remember the sound of that. UGH!!


I bought a rabbit toy for tobie to chew up. It looks like a straw mat. I laid it in his cage bottom and boy did he freak. Something about the way it looked. He calmed down a bit and I left for work thinking that by the time I got home he would have had his way with it reducing it to a pile of straw. I honestly don't think he moved from his spot all day and he didn't look like he had even gone to the food dish. When I opened the door he literally scrambled out into my arms and then as I moved away from the cage he caught site of the thing in the bottom of the cage and leaped from my arms. Needless to say I tossed it. It was a bad idea.

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