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Is your grey terrified of anything?


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Let me preface this by saying Sasha's wings were severely clipped by the breeder, at first if he tried jumping down from something he almost droped like a rock, now he can actually sort of flutter down a bit more safely. So there is NO way he could fly away, also my backyard is totally fenced in)


Anyways, I was out in the backyard chilling with Sasha yesterday. He was sitting on my hand, when all of a sudden he jumped off and started running away. When he is scared of something he will try jumping and flapping his wings which he can maybe jump a couple feet. Anyways he ran to the other side of the yard huddled into a corner and started shaking like crazy. I put out my finger tell him to step up. he did but second he did he jumped down again huddled into the corner.


I looked around trying to figure out what freaked him out so much. I looked in the sky and saw an airplane that was fairly low to the ground. The second the plane was out of view Sasha was back to normal.

Ive never seen him so terrified. I knew he was a bit scared of bigger birds, especially crows.

It weird though, Sasha is also fascinated by planes that are VERY high (that you can barely see) and that leave smoke trails. He will sit there and stare at the smoke trails until they disappear.

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Bless him, poor baby, it's awful seeing them so afraid of something they start to shake.

No, I've nver seen Alfie so afraid of anything she starts to, oh wait, yes I have! We were at the vets once and while in the waiting room, there was a cockateil sitting in the cage next to her wolf whistling through the bars at her - she did cower and shake in the farthest away corner of her travel cage - that cockateil was soooooo scary!

She doesn't like the atom I made her, but just flies away from it!

I hope Sasha gets over his plane phobia - it would be a shame if every outdoor trip was potentially ruined by by such a traumatic experience for him.

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oh another thing that kinda freaks sasha out, not so much terrifying him, is when I BBQ. His window is in line of sight of my BBQ and when he starts seeing all the smoke come out of it he starts whistling and pacing like crazy. Maybe trying to warn me of a fire?

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Let me preface this by saying Sasha's wings were severely clipped by the breeder, at first if he tried jumping down from something he almost droped like a rock, now he can actually sort of flutter down a bit more safely. So there is NO way he could fly away, also my backyard is totally fenced in).

I believe "Can't fly away" threads are the most common. I'm sorry, but your bird can fly away very easy, "now he can actually sort of flutter down a bit" and you said ," When he is scared of something he will try jumping and flapping his wings". All it will take to lose your bird is a slight breeze, and he's gone, one jump, that's it! They usually fly some where high enough that if they try and jump down, they get hurt or kill themselves! Have you ever played with a glider? A clipped Grey might not get much lift from flapping, but if you could hold his wings open and give him a toss........Sorry, Jayd

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I don't know his wings were clipped pretty severely. If by a "slight wind" you mean a heavy wind, I would probably agree with you and I wouldn't take him outside. I don't take him out anyways if there is any wind at all. But there wasn't any wind. And I don't mean flutter slowly to the ground, he still falls pretty fast, and will land a bit hard, but not like a rock a couple months ago.


When he jumped off my finger there was ZERO upwards movement. He made a distance of maybe 3 feet before he was on the ground. If he could have "easily" flown away he for sure would have yesterday.

But I do thank you for the advice, I am being cautious and I definitely won't be able to take him outdoors freely anymore when he starts growing back in his flight feathers..

  • Haha 1
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Thank you for your responses. We've lost a few birds lately, No, a slight breeze is like a heavy breath, lift is created by air flowing over the top of the wing, not by the cup and flap motion, the more the bird cups [or cambers] his wing, the more upward lift he'll get, if things are right he can go straight up! Then you add to the fact that your baby jumps when frightened, Please don't take me wrong, there's been so much heart break on the forum lately. Thank you for being here, you know we have a rule!!! PHOTO'S PLEASE!!! Jayd

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My baby grey Morgan is afraid of the color red. I just discovered that the other day,when I walked up to his cage in a bold red sweater. He absolutely freaked! Now I know. If I wear that sweater, I put it on right before I leave.

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All I can say about wind is each Grey owner knows their bird best..... I had Abby out side the other day with her harness on and amazingly she left it alone long enough for me to toss her off of my hand and see what she would do with her dammanged and clipped flight feathers.... and sure enough on the most windy day I would have taken her out period she sank like a rock time and time again (even if flight was achieved she was tethered) so as long as each grey owner knows theirs birds gliding ability i see no harm done as long as hawks and large bird or prey are watched out for and the bird is checked for ticks and bugs when brought in ... have fun all and be safe.

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All I can say about wind is each Grey owner knows their bird best..... I had Abby out side the other day with her harness on and amazingly she left it alone long enough for me to toss her off of my hand and see what she would do with her dammanged and clipped flight feathers.... and sure enough on the most windy day I would have taken her out period she sank like a rock time and time again (even if flight was achieved she was tethered) so as long as each grey owner knows theirs birds gliding ability i see no harm done as long as hawks and large bird or prey are watched out for and the bird is checked for ticks and bugs when brought in ... have fun all and be safe.

You tossed your injured Bird?, I'm sure you know she could have split her breast bone! Well, sorry I must be mistaken, my apology's to the both of you. Jayd

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You tossed your injured Bird?, I'm sure you know she could have split her breast bone! Well, sorry I must be mistaken, my apology's to the both of you. Jayd



All I am going to say to that is that " EACH GREY OWNER KNOWS THEIR BIRD BEST AND KNOWS THEIR BIRDS GLIDING ABILITY " There is a diffrence in showing concern about someones bird and then making them feel like a inferior bird owner you don't know what Abby was landing on soft grass that was 8 inches tall, hard asphalt, sand, mulch, I rest my case.......................

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All I am going to say to that is that " EACH GREY OWNER KNOWS THEIR BIRD BEST AND KNOWS THEIR BIRDS GLIDING ABILITY " There is a diffrence in showing concern about someones bird and then making them feel like a inferior bird owner you don't know what Abby was landing on soft grass that was 8 inches tall, hard asphalt, sand, mulch, I rest my case.......................


The fact remains, You tossed a injured bird #1, You new he couldn't fly,#2 That you said "fell like a rock! #3. These were your words! I offered advice that you can find on this forum in many thread and posts! with no malice intended, I even apologized. You've made your statement, let's move on, all that's important is our bird's. Jayd

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All I am going to say to that is that " EACH GREY OWNER KNOWS THEIR BIRD BEST AND KNOWS THEIR BIRDS GLIDING ABILITY " There is a diffrence in showing concern about someones bird and then making them feel like a inferior bird owner you don't know what Abby was landing on soft grass that was 8 inches tall, hard asphalt, sand, mulch, I rest my case.......................


You said: #1.You tossed your bird! #2 You said he was injured! #3 You said said He fell like a rock! It doesn't matter what type of surface this occurred over, any number of injury's could have happened! On this forum you can find similar threads and post such as I made, which I made with out malice, only as a "FYI"! I even apologized! Lets move on, Our birds are all that matter!!!Jayd

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Yoshi is terrified of the Roomba vacuum cleaner I have for my wood floors! It's a small robotic device that moves on it's own and she is terribly afraid of it! I turned it off some time ago and attempted to show her that it's okay... But she just about had a heart attack in my arms... From then on I close her door when the roomba runs or she gets all nervous watching for it. If it comes anywhere near her cage she has a screeching fit and flaps away madly. It's the perfect time for me to take her outside for some sunlight in her harness :P


Who can blame her, that noisy unnatural thing moving around on it's own and bumping into stuff! :) She is totally calm when I push around a vacuum or a broom...

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You tossed your injured Bird?, I'm sure you know she could have split her breast bone! Well, sorry I must be mistaken, my apology's to the both of you. Jayd



Im sorry Jayd but your appology seems synical to me and not heart felt. I have read in this room things that seems to be like your talking down to some one. Maybe you should ask questions about peoples posts instead of assuming they were doing something that was "Dangerous or life threatening" with their bird. You can word things in the form of questions too that make them seem less offensive too lol. Then when some one gives you an in approiate answer. confront them about it . Yes I tossed my bird, you dont know from how high, yes she is "injured" (even though I said damaged in my post and you chose to use injured), you dont know how bad , and she did fall like a rock , but you dont know how far or on to what all I was suggesting was that you take the time to word your responce to people a little more carefully if I was harmar who started this topic in this room and you responded to me I would have thought your responce was well for lack of the right word in my head now RUDE. You can still give people advice with out making them fell like no matter what they tell you they did while they had their bird outside they were in the wrong. And I keep rereading your apology it does seem unheartfelt! I am done now I just had to get that off my chest!

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My grey, Harvey, is terrified of nothing! He is as hard as nails - he's not scared of toys, people, noises ANYTHING!! I can introduce a new toy quite easily - and he just accepts it. I've just got him a new "boing" to hang from his java tree and he's bounced and swung quite happily to and fro!


Right, regarding the barney that is ensuing - throwing a "damaged" bird whether it's your bird, my bird, their bird, our bird whoevers bird is wholly unacceptable. It doesn't matter if you throw them on concrete, on grass, on hay, on cotton wool or on a trampoline - this isn't acceptable either.


What you have to remember, this poor bird weighs the same as a bag of sugar - try throwing that from any height, onto any surface and you'll cause damage.


Please, please, for Abby's sake don't throw her anywhere - I have the joy of being able to throw Harvey anywhere, at any time, onto any surface - he has a pair of good wings, and good lungs and can fly to where he wants - poor Abby can't :(


I'm afraid that you've taken grave offence to what JayD has said - but I'm afraid I tend to agree with his sentiments about "throwing a damaged bird". Even psychologically this must be painful for her.


I really hope you heed JayDs advice - please don't throw Abby anywhere :)

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Ok no one seems to get it ..... im sure if it was bad for her she would have not done it on her own over and over and over and over and over in my house off her her stand to come see me off of her cage to get to a diffrent room and off of my shoulder, chair, or what ever else she is on out side. I KNOW my bird. Simply telling people "I hope you know your Grey" and what could happen is better than telling them "never do that again" I used to love this forum and now it seems like people are making newbies seem like bad "parronts" (and I am not even a newbie) and Jilly I dont know what sugar weighs where your at but by me they weigh 5 pounds and Abby only weights .6 so your alittle mistaken there. I will continue to give Abby the same great life that I have given her that make her so exctied she jumpes out of her cage to see me. Weather that means "throwing" her or letting her jump off of what ever i feel safe to put her on. You all can well ..... never mind

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Ok. im sure if it was bad for her she would have not done it on her own over and over and over and over and over in my house off her her stand to come see me off of her cage to get to a diffrent room and off of my shoulder, chair, or what ever else she is on out side. Jilly I dont know what sugar weighs where your at but by me they weigh 5 pounds and Abby only weights .6 so your alittle mistaken there. I will continue to give Abby the same great life that I have given her that make her so exctied she jumpes out of her cage to see me. Weather that means "throwing" her or letting her jump off of what ever i feel safe to put her on. You all can well ..... never mind


From your own quote Yes Abby is trying to " GET AWAY", not get to!!! Sugar comes also in one pound bags!! so Jilly isn't wrong! The average weight of a adult CAG is one pound! So wrong on 3 counts, and the last quote" There is a thread on this in the forum! Last year a friends 25 yr old Too, sliped, broke her leg, had surgery, spent night in vet hospital, DIED before morning!!!! These Grey's are different than any other parrot! Also, in case you need to go to a vet! you weigh them in "Grams" not pounds....And to your last statement: BEEN there!!!!!!!!!! After all this, the people of this Forum, Jilly, myself, and all the rest! we'll still be there to offer help, no mater what you say to us. Jayd


NOTE: If your baby's a CAG, HE ONLY WEIGHTS BUY YOUR SCALE AROUND 275 GRAMS AND SHOULD WEIGH AROUND 380 +... iF HE'S A tag, his weight is ok......

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I think it would do you well to explain things more fully before criticizing how others reply. I believe (maybe I'm wrong but I doubt it) that anyone on here as a bird lover, when they read you 'tossed her off you hand' with 'dammaged and clipped feather' to see what would happen and state that 'she sank like a rock time and time again' would be worried and have a raised eyebrow at those remarks. Jayd was obviously worried and asked what you meant, warning on the effect of birds 'sinking like a rock' no matter the surface.


I'm glad that you want to give Abby a great life... and that she is happy to see you... but look that doesn't mean you know everything and the members of this forum really are here to help. Don't disrespect them. You don't have to agree with someone, but please listen politely. No matter how you think Jayd replied to you, I assure you it was with respect and concern for your bird.


Also, there is a big difference in a clipped bird jumping off something to get to you, and being thrown. The bird is in control. Your statement of: "Weather that means "throwing" her or letting her jump off of what ever i feel safe to put her on. You all can well ..... never mind" is an offensive one to say the least. There are so many dangers out there, please don't feel you know them all. You arrogantly state "I KNOW my bird" well we learn new things about our birds all the time... you haven't even had yours a year yet have you? Please correct me if I'm wrong! I assure you that you still have much to learn! At least give some respect if someone says something is dangerous, as they are saying that with concern not to ruin your fun or something.


The thing is I like you, like reading about Abby... I just don't like to see people disrespected, especially when they only mean to help! Surely members don't mean to make anyone feel like a 'bad parront'! I seriously doubt any member on here has the intentions to belittle another and upset them. Perhaps something someone is doing is not the best idea, or unsafe to the bird. Of course people are going to let them know! People learn through experience, and share what they have learnt on here. We have some very experienced people on this board and its great to hear their advice!


Anyway, thats my two-cence... hope it helped some :)

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What you have to remember, this poor bird weighs the same as a bag of sugar - try throwing that from any height, onto any surface and you'll cause damage.




I'm afraid that you've taken grave offence to what JayD has said - but I'm afraid I tend to agree with his sentiments about "throwing a damaged bird". Even psychologically this must be painful for her.


I really hope you heed JayDs advice - please don't throw Abby anywhere :)




I have taken offense here which is odd cause I have turned so many people on to this site (if they come and leave or come and stay I don't know ). You can strongly suggest that people don't do a lot of things with these birds and tell them they should never do a few things but as far as this topic goes and the way your wording it you make it sound as if I should keep a harness on Abby at all times cause if she jumped off of her cage and flapped her little wings down to the ground down as she has done many times before she would severely injure her self I just find the way things have been worded offensive and condescending I don't know how else to put it I know my bird loves me and loves the life I have given her. It is way better that they people that left her in a laundry room for almost 3 yrs or the poor old lady who was sick and never home. She loves our frolics out side and our games on the inside all I'm asking is that you "Advice Givers" choose how you word your "advice" more carefully.

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I have taken offense here which is odd cause I have turned so many people on to this site (if they come and leave or come and stay I don't know ). You can strongly suggest that people don't do a lot of things with these birds and tell them they should never do a few things but as far as this topic goes and the way your wording it you make it sound as if I should keep a harness on Abby at all times cause if she jumped off of her cage and flapped her little wings down to the ground down as she has done many times before she would severely injure her self I just find the way things have been worded offensive and condescending I don't know how else to put it I know my bird loves me and loves the life I have given her. It is way better that they people that left her in a laundry room for almost 3 yrs or the poor old lady who was sick and never home. She loves our frolics out side and our games on the inside all I'm asking is that you "Advice Givers" choose how you word your "advice" more carefully.


Know one has said your a bad caregiver. And yes, if your baby is falling that much, you should have a harness on her when out of the cage, for her protection! A common injury to a slight fall is to the brain, it only takes a couple of inches to happen. I suggest some reading, so you can learn learn a little more about these Greys, so you can become a Grey't bird keeper. Sometimes we have to obey our own advice! Jayd

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I am just going to drop this I didn't want to High jack Harmars thread. I am sure I have made many new friends here with my open mouth now any ways.

I'm still your friend!!! Jayd;)

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Know one has said your a bad caregiver. And yes, if your baby is falling that much, you should have a harness on her when out of the cage, for her protection! A common injury to a slight fall is to the brain, it only takes a couple of inches to happen. I suggest some reading, so you can learn learn a little more about these Greys, so you can become a Grey't bird keeper. Sometimes we have to obey our own advice! Jayd


Quick comment on this! Do not leave a harnessed bird unattended... they could strangle themselves. Yoshi used to fall all the time or even jump from her cage also with terribly clipped feathers. She dropped hard, and even bled once just above her legs on her tummy. This was a couple months ago. We took advice from the forum and put a kid play mat down for a couple months for softer landings and it worked great! Now we don't need it anymore, as Yoshi is getting some of her unclipped feathers in and doesn't just drop anymore :) Perhaps this is an idea! You should have seen when I saw that blood, I was horrified! Luckily it was a damaged little feather, and not anything serious. The vet actually recently gave Yoshi a clean bill of health :)

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