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Abbys new excitment is breaking her feathers?


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This is just a theory I have but lately Abby has been getting very very "excited?" in the morning so much so that she is jumping out of her cage on to the floor and landing with a rather loud thud when I uncover her in the mornings or when I come home from work and the house has been empty. Well with that being said she is jumping from her perch and flapping her wings before she is out of the cage and slapping them against the door and cage its self before she makes it out and is breaking new wing feathers and some that have been broken for months are just so ever slowly growing out if at all I cant tell for sure. She seems in no pain and I know they are the feather experts but if shes so smart why is she doing this and breaking new healthy feathers ones that aren't clipped like this one in the pic.moz-screenshot.png



Edited by AbbysDaddy
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On one hand, young greys get a bit overzealous at times. Both our little ones have broken feathers in the same way Abby has, albiet not as enthusiastically as you've described. Several questions and comments:

Is Abby clipped?

How old is she?

How big is her cage?


We had a period with Leo and Willow where we put a couple towels on the bottom of the cage because they did just what you described and we wanted to make sure they didn't get hurt. They grew out of it in a few months. We've done this with all our young fids at spots until they got used to the cage, so from our experience, it happens.


It sounds like she just really wants her daddy, and that's good, real good :) I wish I knew more about baby behavior to help you but that's the best I can do.


Wish you guys well!

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Well she is 8 maybe almost 9 yrs old she was born in 01. I am her 3rd owner and she is warming up to me more and more every month we got her in December for X mas and she has her wings clipped but only because she was not so good at flying around the appartment and was breaking to many feathers in a row on the same wing wich caused her to fly even worse and knock stuff of of the counters and into the sink. Here is a pic of her cage.


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  AbbysDaddy said:
She seems in no pain and I know they are the feather experts but if shes so smart why is she doing this and breaking new healthy feathers ones that aren't clipped


You said it all when describing how excited she is that you are home and she cannot wait to get out of that cage. It has nothing to do with intelligence. It is just pure adrenalin from the excitement.


If possible, perhaps you can circumvent this behavior by not opening the cage door completely and instead place your arm inside for a step-up?

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Humm that would probably require me to have her cage door shut then and the only time it is shut is when she is covered at night .... i guess ill just need to go straight to her when I get home and make she she doesn't jump out huh .... well at least she has officially warmed up to me lol.... I will try and get a video of her in action for everyone on here to see and we shall find out together lol

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Leaving the cage door open when she is alone could actually intensify the problem. Cages for parrots should be thought of as their refuge or bedroom even. I can't help but wonder if Abby isn't feeling vulnerable with the cage door open while she is alone, causing her to react the way she does when you come home. I tried a test run of leaving the cage door open myself, it didn't work out and I ended up finding my bird cowering on a rug in my kitchen, vibrating in fear. Last time he was ever left to his own devices, it was to scary for him. Cage closed, I come home to a confident, happy bird. Give it a try to see what happens.

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No I'm sure that's not it. If i just uncover her and leave her door closed the climbs down and makes lots of noise till I get back in the room and then she unlocks and opens it very fast and swings out on the door as it swings open and then sits on the top of the door and ruffles her feathers as if to say "Umm you forgot something!!!" lol

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