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Spock's New Pastime!


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Greetings my loyal subjects, Spock here..As a few of you might remember, my pole dancing career had been brought to an abrupt ending by Maggie. She apparently hadn't appreciated the fact that I was testing my boundaries and my athletic abilities...I have since devised even more athletic endeavors. In our house (the one my flock graciously shares our parronts), we have a large sliding glass window behind our couch. My favorite new trick is to hang upside down from the curtain rod, attack the curtain and then grab the window divider and slide down it upside down, rather like rappelling down a cliff. I slide down to the last three feet and then I turn around and slide down the rest of the way.

After doing this a few times, it is time to buzz the others and get them yelling their support of me..."King Spock-King Spock!! I then fly into the other bird room and converse with the others for a few minutes and then fly full out and land on Jay's head with a resting hook stop by grabbing the little bit of hair he has left.

After hanging around upside down and rappelling down his shirt, I fly off to see what Maggie is cooking up.....Maggie got Jay a new text phone and if you think a keyboard is fun, you should try those little keys....Now when he tries to text, he uses bad words because he has missing letters and he keeps saying my name over and over....hhhmmm...

Oh, got to fly...Maggie's coming and she will find that I cleaned the counter off for her....

SPOCK!!!!!!! WHAT THE....




Edited by Jayd
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I love the adventures of Spock, going where no grey has gone before, he does such amazing feats, who else's grey would be pole dancing or rapelling down the curtains to entertain himself and the others around him, makes you wonder sometimes how he manages such devilish feats when he is not up to full health, boy you sure could have fooled me, I see Maggie saved the new phone just in time, oh btw Spock you missed a couple of spots on the counter!


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:D Greetings, I thought I might try something to help stimulate interest  on the Grey Forums. I'm going to post "Past Post's". At the least we all might learn something from the past. My 1st is from Spock [my wife Maggie] Spock considers himself "King of the Greys"... Ladies and gentlemen, HERE'S Spock....:x


SCROLL to TOP to read 1st post!

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