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I love him so much


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Just wish he would trust me and I could cuddle him and kiss him and love him oh I cant wait for the day. I know we will get there but just had to type it out I LOVE MY OZZY there I feel better. I cant wait until I can cuddle him!

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Just wish he would trust me and I could cuddle him and kiss him and love him oh I cant wait for the day. I know we will get there but just had to type it out I LOVE MY OZZY there I feel better. I cant wait until I can cuddle him!

You will feel his love before you receive his full trust, at first, little signs, as time goes on, the signs will increase, maybe no cuddles, but you'll defently feel his love and trust. If there's a set back, like you have to towel him to go to the Vet, or remove him from chewing your curtains, it will only be a small setback, he'll return to his trust of you quickly. He'll show it in his eyes, in the sounds he coo's, in the way he watches you, but a cuddle might be a brief moment at best, but you'll know it, and it will be beautiful.......


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well he does come to me to hang out sometimes I can let him sometimes he will sit on my shoulder and sometimes he just wants to be near me but hands off. I can kiss him when he on his cage and he has started to kiss me he is so cute.

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One day you will find yourself making posts like me about your bird getting so excited he is jumping out of his cage breaking feathers in excitement to see you and trying to figure out how to calm them down from showing there love lol ..... it will come just don't push them too far too fast.

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It took about six years and a very long absence (first year in college) for Jacques to really warm up to me to the point that he would beg for head scratches, etc.


I went through a lot of biting, but now he is affectionate (mostly) and doesn't freak out when I touch his back or wings (I know not to pet him there, but it's nice to know he won't freak out in case I ever need to)...


Yeah... It took a while. :)

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