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Aoodi doesn't look good


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We are all breathing a collective sigh of relief that it seems there will be a happy ending for you and Aoodi! Good job on finding a vet and getting your baby there. We all panic with the distress posts like this, but everyone is just trying to make sure that the bird's welfare is taken care of. We just want the best for our babies! I hope Aoodi is feeling better already!

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I really hope everything turns out OK...I do understand the concerns that hbalkhi was facing when it comes to finding a vet. In so many countries there aren't any avian vets at all, and sometimes the few that are available are totally incompetent.

I thank God that I have found a good vet where I live, but a couple of years ago, I lost a grey, and the vet we saw was completely ignorant. He poked my greys nose and gave her more pain and ended up saying tere was nothing wrong with her...my grey died suffering that night...

Sorry to share this but finding the right vet is very critical, and in some countries nearly impossible

I hope Aoodi gets well soon...preyers and good thoughts his way...

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Alright... It was long travel to Aoodi, but worth every second..... :D


When I arrived there I hoped the better thing, and it happened.... it seems Aoodi missing me too, wow.... I'm really really happy, when he saw me he came to me and kissed me!!! I really wanted to cry in that moment.. But thanks god he's doing good. He's taking anti-biotic and vitamins now. His abscess is getting bigger, its good thing so they can cut it from his throat. Well... he's having a lot of care there from what I saw. Clear cage, fresh food and a great avian...


I arrived to my home again and half of my soul is left with him....


This is the last update, hope I can get another visit to him again and update again..


Thank you all for caring about Aoodi, and for supporting me, thank you many times... :D

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I know that seeing Aoodi was the best thing for both of you and to see that he is progressing so well must give you some comfort but hopefully this will all be over soon and he will be back home with you and on the road to a full recovery, thanks for updating us and please do let us know if you have any further news as we do care, how sweet of him to give you a kiss.

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I'm really sorry was very busy the last few days, exams are on the way...


About Aoodi, I asked about him many times, he's doing good. He needed 2 surgeries; 1 they'll open a small hole on the abscess to clear it, And they did it and it went good. 2 is the final surgery, to remove it. They'll do it tomorrow. Hope everything go well. :)

He'll be staying few other days after the surgery, so avians can make sure he's 100% good and healthy, and they'll call me so I go to get him.. I'm so excited.. :D


Sorry again for making you wait few days, but I didn't have time to sit on the PC.

Thank you all. :)

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Thanks so much for the update on Aoodi as I have been worrying about him, poor little fella having to go thru two surgeries but I am so glad he is doing fine and will maybe be home soon, this has been an ordeal for you, him and all of us here for we care about each and every member and their greys, please continue to update us when you can.

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