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Oil Spill Threatens Brown Pelicans


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When I saw this it almost made me sick, these beautiful birds are dying from being covered in that oil that is continuing to spill in the gulf and many other species of birds have or will succumb to the same fate.


"For more than a decade, the hundreds of brown pelicans that nested among the mangrove shrubs on Queen Bess Island west of here were living proof that a species brought to the edge of extinction could come back and thrive."



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This is very sad and very much down to the human race, consumerism, greed and our insatiable apitite for oil - we all share the guilt for that. I have heard that in some parts of the US (Louisiana I think) there are anti-British demos because BP happens to be a British company but it is aso a worldwide company and a worldwide problem (oil leaks) and we are all responsible every time we fill our cars up.

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I have followed this story with interest from the start, and I am now pleased that eventually some progress has been made to cap this spill. Fingers crossed they will get it under control soon - such vast parts of the ocean are now ruined due to this disaster.

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Yes I believe they are having some success at capturing some of the spill but the damage has already been done and even if it were to be fully capped today there will still be birds and other animals harmed by what has already spilled into the gulf, this has far reaching damage that will be so for a long long time.

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Absolutely - it's got such a devastating impact on all of the ocean creatures, and it's such a waste. It's not a "mother nature " moment, just a disastrous human failing. Hopefully this will be stopped before much more damage is caused to the surrounding area.

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You know, it is a shame that we are brought to decisions like this. I find it absolutely stunning that enough oversight was in place that no one ever asked, 'What do we do if this goes wrong?'. The shame is that, nothing but money drives decisions at the most important levels of humanity. This world is covered with people in power who could care less about the birds on our shores. The people with the most power, abuse it...plain and simple. They are just worried about their houses and lavish lifestyles. I am personally convinced that humanity will go to hell in a hand cart, and there isn't a damned thing we can do about it. Which is why, I find my apartment to be the best place for Issac and me, right now. I feel most sorry for my daughter, who will likely see the worst of humanity to come. Because I notice nothing other than this world getting worse, building up like an earthquake, ready to slip. Sorry for my grim outlook, but it never took a disater like this to see what we are certainly headed for. I would say that 90% of people who have power, could give a crap less about anyone beneath them. I am sick and tired of class division in this world, because it is exactly what is going to drive us into the ground.


Admittedly, we are all a part of the problem. We are all short scoped in our day to day life. It's an honest way to be, how can you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders right? And really, what are you going to do anyway? Gonna quit your job and revolt full time? Good luck with that one. However, if a revolution should start soon, and support my family, I am alll in. Until then, we wait for someone prosperous, and good willed at the same time. There are some out there, but they are just a drop in the bucket, even if they do make millions. Chaos is the way of the world, and it isn't gonna change overnight. I sincerely admire those who have taken up environmental science and serach for ways to defeat our current methods of petrolium use, there are no others that know this battle better. They take on the ultimate battle every day. And sure...you'll see a few oil companies in on that...just so long as they get a piece of that action. ;) Yep...money. Beautiful thing eh? Or great idea out of control?


Anyway, that is all I am going to submit on the subject of oil. Truth be told, this is one of the big monsters in our society, but it isn't the only one. Good luck world. Peace.

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Sadly, this is another calamity caused by Man that has affected this earth and all that live in it. The last hundred years mankind has lost touch of being keenly intune with nature and mother earth. It is been an all out effort of Man to use earths resources to selfishly make life easier, quicker and more enjoyable with no consideration of the impact it ultimately has on all.


The Native Indians of this land we call America had it right. They lived in respect of nature, earth and maintaining the delicate balance in the circle of life.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest jamalbirdbiz

I think sooon there will only be oilee oceans. thanks oil people. not goood for the birds and nots good for us. grate job. now we can just have more dead stuff to clean up. verry verrry bad. me and minez are nots happy about this. how wuld they like to be dunked and redunked in that gook and have to drink it and have it burnz their eyez. pooor wildlife. thanks for poisoning the waters for cheap oil.

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