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My grey is rehearsing for Radio City Music Hall


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I'm wondering if anyone know what our grey is up to...


We adopted him on Tuesday from another family. (It really sounds strange saying that - I can't imagine him ever NOT being here!) He spends the majority of the day out of his cage with me and my kids and is such a funny & happy guy.


In the evening when it is time for him to go in his cage, he does the funniest thing. He hangs on the side of the cage that I am sitting on (or one of my kids is sitting on...he has done it to all of us), hangs by his beak and one of his legs, and high kicks his other leg up and down - like he is a Rockette. He'll stop and put his little eye to see if we're watching and then he'll do it again. Then he'll go play with his toys for a while, then he'll be back doing it again.


Does anyone else's bird do this? What in the world is he doing?

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Do you have a way to call the former owners to ask them? That's what I would do in your place. I would ask and get all the information I can about your sweet grey. What he likes dislikes and little rituals that they and your grey had together. Certainly sounds like he is settling in very happily!! Congratulations!!

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Do you have a way to call the former owners to ask them? That's what I would do in your place. I would ask and get all the information I can about your sweet grey. What he likes dislikes and little rituals that they and your grey had together. Certainly sounds like he is settling in very happily!! Congratulations!!


Yes - good idea. Can I call that a senior moment on my part? Even if I'm not quite a senior, but feel like one? :)


She emailed me back and said he used to do it when he was a baby. It is his way of telling us he doesn't want to be in his cage. It's funny, we've had close to 40 email exchanges within the past week, as well as talking for about an hour when we picked Chili up...and yet I'm still learning more and more about him. This was one of those "oh yeah...forgot about that silly thing..." type things. He's such a funny bird and we're loving getting to know him. <3


@Lambert58 - I tried when he was doing it last night, but as soon as he saw me paying attention to him, he stopped. He's all, "Yeah! My high kicks worked!" he he

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It would be entertaining to see this behavior. They do all develop individual antics performed at different times and you will start noticing more and more of those every time a particular event is happening.


Thanks for sharing this. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

That is cute and interesting behavior. Do you happen to have any access to the previous owners to see what Chili may have been used to when being cage at night-night time?


The reason I ask, is many have "rituals" at certain times. An example would be, when we place our grey in the cage at night, my wife goes and fills a bowl with hot water. While she is doing that, he comes and sticks his beak through the bars for me to rub and tell him I love him, make big kissy sounds etc. Then, he will eagerly pace back and forth until my wife arrives with the hot water, which he gulps down, then steps back, fluffs up and is ready to be covered and go to sleep grinding his beak.

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How did I miss this post before!? Rene does something very similar, he hangs and kicks his feet..but as soon as I look at him he stops and turns into the *grey statue* LoL If he is outside of his cage and he gets the urge he always grabs some foot toy and bangs it on the cage or floor.. that I call birdie weight lifting LOL.. I am working on Rene with the video camera, so I can get a vid of this for everyone :)

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Francis does this but in slow motion...he lifts his leg and straaaaaains as high as he can. He prefers his right over his left, but he'll do both. Sometimes he works so hard his little eye gets all buggy and he has to shake out his leg to relax it. I was told he's always done it...best I can figure is it's his weird form of exercise. We call it "doing parrot-ups".

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What funny birds we have!! :) I think the part that cracks me up the most is how he stops and looks at me to make sure I'm watching, then continues. What a goof-ball.


JJsHoney - every time I tried getting close to Chili with the video camera, he wouldn't do it. But then I remembered my phone can record video so that's what I used. Since it is small he didn't feel quite so self-conscious with his performance.


And about asking the previous owners - I do have their email address. She told me that Chili used to do that when he was very young, but hadn't done it in quite a while.

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