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Aviator harness just broke!


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You wouldn't believe the close call I just had with Murphy.


He has been on his harness all afternoon, been out for a walk through the village with me, my friend, Ella-Rose & Zeus & was just chilling in the garden & I thought I'll put him in for bit to cool off & get some food. I had just brought him in the house & he decided he didn't want to come in & flew off my hand & flew round the living room still with the harness on. Next minute the bungee cord came off the harness, it actually came out of the metal bit, the cord didn't snap.


Can't believe it broke, a few seconds earlier & he would have been out in the garden & gone! :(


I put my faith in this harness thinking he was safe & sound while out & about..........not so!


It's new & the bungee bit hasn't been chewed at all!


053 (Large)..jpg

Edited by reggieroo
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Contact the company ASAP, tell them your concerns, and ask to have it replaced. Hopefully this was a bad one that got thru inspection. Tell them how close you came to loosing your bird!! Send the photo's, I bet they will make this right if they are a good company....

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Oh this is awful - it's just so lucky you were indoors. Have you emailed the actual manufacturers or the retailer? One of our members is a personal associate of Steve Hartman and he is talked about in such high regard. I'm not sure if you have visited his website:




There are phone numbers and contact details on there - my apologies if this is what you've already done.

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Oh Paul how very scary and how fortunate that Murphy was indoors when the harness failed. I hope the harness maker will compensate you for this unfortunate and possible disastrous malfunction. Thank you for sharing this experience with us and for the reminder of how we all need to be vigilant and check our grey equipment on every outing. I am so glad that Murphy is home safe with his family.

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I did notice that design flaw, and while I was trying to get Issac used to the Aviator (which I cannot get him back in it for the life of me) he was whittling away at that very clip. Thank you for sharing this and letting us know of the possibilities.

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Oh how scary! Maybe you could contact the place where you bought it too - the writing on the belt looks too frayed to be new. I do check mine every time i use it but how can you check inside that little metal bit!? Glad you were inside and it wasn't any more serious.

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It must be a defective one. I have 3 harnesses and have been using them for over a year. Other than badly chewed the cord is still well attached to the harness.

I always pull the cord to make sure that it won't snap before taking out my grey.

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The harness has only been chewed on the red strap harness part that fit onto him, it was new about two months ago. The bungee bit is the bit that came out, not chewed or snapped just pulled right out of the metal clip.


Poor boy missed out on his BBQ last night, we had a great night as well & Murphy was invited too.


Just checked my mail & Parrot University have got back to me saying how sorry they are & out of 100,000 harness out there that is the first one that the cord has came out of. They have asked for my address & will send me out new one today, hopefully I'll get it as I'm in the UK & they are in the USA. If it comes then what great customer service that will be, amazing!


I look forward to getting a new one so Murphy can still enjoy coming out with us. I took some nice pictures yesterday of our walk.

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Since these things are made by people and people make mistakes it is not uncommon to find a defective one that slipped thru the detectives of the company but that was the least they could do is replace it at no cost to you for they stand behind their products. Sorry he had to miss the bbq but maybe next time.

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Well guys, Parrot University made good on their promise of a new harness & it arrived this morning.


I would like to say that their level of customer service is second to none so a big thumbs up to Steve Hartman who got back to me personally :D I wish all companies you buy from could be this good.


As regards to the clamp being squeezed with pliers he asked me to explain this "Please explain that the clasp has to be exactly the profile it is when manufactured. If the clamp is squeezed the belt material may not properly surround the shock cord and the metal spikes may not be in the center of the cord. This would likely guarantee a failure."


Murphy now has his new harness & will be back out & about roaming the neighbour hood :)


"Right Murphy get your hiking boots on" ;):):D:p:eek:

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