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phoebes twins(tanya)


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Good morning

The babys are doing good. They are bal. on one foot eatting and there eatting about 60 cc in the morn. not that much at night.I will say they have out grown there cages. When can I put the bigger one his cage? the smaller one can only walk ina cir. bc the cage is small for her also. they are climbing but they are still clumzy(sp)What do u think??

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Glad all is well. A Grey will be clumsy at least till after they fly. In the new cage don't place a perch directly above another, so if they fall, they won't fall on the perch bellow!!, remove all toys on bottom of cage when they go to bed. Thanks jayd

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My opinion, I would remove all most everything when there in there cage a lone, it's a tall cage which means there' a long way the babies can fall! A lot of things to climb on...I would also move the level perches way lower! Please listen to other peoples advice besides just mine....Jayd






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What should i do with there food dishes?ill take everything out but what about toys?how far from the bottom should i ahve the proches?ok im a little nervus,my baby is growing up....

Mama, you need to get responses from some other people, not just me.[thanks] I personally, would move the food dishes to the bottom of the cage, along with the toy's and perches, at least till they get used to it,,,,Your friend Jayd

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Tanya , Jackson is looking greyt! :), I think moving the perches to the bottom was a good idea and hanging the toys from food cup holders was good too once he starts to attack them lol the squak is hilarious! but if I could make a suggestion, put some newspaper in the bottom of the cage instead of what you have, just so you can keep a good eye on the poops for now.

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Thanks,I talked to the other mommy and she wants to take her grey home ina few weeks...I told her she will still be hand feed but she said she can do it that she wants to bond witrh her grey. I really dont think the smaller grey will be ready but it is her grey and she has paid for her...I just didnt say much about it.So, i have a few weeks to make sure the smaller one will be ready...

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Hi Mama. It's not the best idea to separate the twins now, until after they fly. If your friend had more experience and they were down to 1 feeding a day, I'd say ok. In the next couple of days I'll do either a post or a email to you to read to you friend, if you want me to. Let me know! Jayd

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I have to agree with Jay about leaving the other baby with yours for the time being, you are the one doing the feeding and should continue to do so until they are both weaned then she can take hers home, she will still bond with her bird even though she didn't handfeed it. Don't let her talk you out of it either, you know what I am saying Tanya, stand your ground and tell her we said so, in fact tell her to come here and join and we will tell her ourselves.

I personally think your cage will prove to be too small for a grey unless you plan on having him out most of the day for when you had some toys inside there wasn't much room left for Jackson but that is my opinion.

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I agree with both of you about her taking her grey home and ill try everyway poss. to keep her but she made it clear in a few weeks she wanted to take er home and she said she will hand feed her also.Judy i told her she can still bond with her after she takes her home.but when she comes over here she see how the fellow me around and play with me not her.I also agree that my cage is small but jackson will be out 90% of the time and im still going to find him a new cage at the bird show in oct. They both seem more happy since i moved them out of the smaller cages. they are playing more and eatting the same not less.there poop is still good. i put blankets on the bottom of there cage floor at night so i get nice good poop in the morn. on there blanket to watch over. nice a green wormy looking.they are climbing more and stay a wake longer in the day.my babys are growing up so fast. these past few weeks how been such a joy and learning time.i love them both but jackson cought my eye.thanks for all your help and please keep giving more info. i love to read and look forward to see whats next with them.

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I know she is feeling so jealous of the closeness of her baby and you right now but that will pass when she takes her baby home after weaning, it would be reversed if she had been the one doing the handfeeding and her bond with her baby will just be postponed until they are fully weaned, as her what she is more concerned with, having a well adjusted fully weaned baby grey versus one that may develop problems because she took it home too soon. You are doing great Tanya so why rock the boat, if you have any problems with her just let me know and I will get her phone number and we will have a chat.

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Thanks Jayd..they are growing so much.That was this morning playing. now, they are having there snack which they love.Later, i want to take them outside for a little while.nice day today not to hot.

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They really are growing in leaps and bounds, you are doing such a good job and Jay has been such a help to you, Jackson must be getting close to fledging and will be taking flight soon, I know you will be excited about that Tanya.

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If you noticed, your twins body's are changing, they've lost their butter ball butt,[ that's what I call it] their looking more trim, you have to watch them, they're going to try and cut down on their eating, don't let them! they want to fly instead of eat!!! 2 times a day for a while. Jayd

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yes, this morning jackson (bigger grey) didnt want to eat. he wanted out tp play and flap his wings. He only eat half of what he norm eats. he spits and sling his head and form. goes everywhere.The smallewr grey still eats good 60cc this morn.ok ill make sure to get him to eat 60 cc a feeding.and yes they are losing the butt and trim down.should they try to fly this week??they will be 11 weeks

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They can start to fly any time from no till the next 10 weeks, their flight feathers need to be longer! I's best to have them on the floor, when they start to fly. Jackson will probably cut down his eating to 40 or 50cc's, try to keep him eating as much as you can...Your friend Jayd

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OK i will try to get jackson to eat as much as i can.his is so hard headed..lol..cricket is still eat like norm. but she is a little younger then jackson.THE TWINS ARE GROWING UP....WE HAVE NAMES,THE SMALLER GREY IS CRICKET AND THE BIGGER GREY IS JACKSON. JACKSON IS MY GREY.

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