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need advice please


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I don't think your 2 year old daughter should be around the bird. Sorry for this line of thinking but a 2 year old is way to wild in movements and other body language that the Grey will pick up on and fear.. It's also very dangerous for your daughter.. The bite of a a angry Grey will really hurt her at that age.. It's not worth the risk.. Keep her away until things settle down..


Sorry for this advice.. I know it's really not what you want to hear.. but it is the truth..

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.Your daughter is very young at Two, i would keep her out of harms reach for her own safety,im not saying don't let her see the bird but only under close adult supervision & from an appropriate safe distance,A two year olds behaviour & actions can easily stress a grey out.Even at this early age try & educate your daughter on your grey.

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wow. I am sorry to say but I have to agree about keeping a distance between the bird and the baby. Two year olds are as unpredictable as they come. Poor kid and poor bird.. maybe in another year or two they can make better friends.

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I would agree with the info posted. Another question, how old is Alfie? Since the birds go through develpment and different stages (much like human children) this may be another variable coming into play here that perhaps would explain some behavioral changes you are seeing? Also, your daughter's behavior is changing as well as she gets older. A 2 yr old is much different from a 1 yr old as they really start moving about! The bird can percieve this and this also can affect their interactions. Chances are they can ultimately still be really good friends, but it may require a few years...:ohmy: ;)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/11 18:50

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Since you asked "why?" and not "should I?" (no need to parrot the other responses), I would think the issue would be jealousy. Have you hugged your child or fed her in front of the bird?...Given her a lot of attention? Your bird may feel threatened by the child.


The reason I say this is because my bird got along fine with my dog, but then he saw me scratching, hugging, feeding, loving Hickory. Soon after I did this, Richard bent down and bit Hickory on the head. Fortunately Hickory didn't feel it, but if he did, he'd scamper away (no one knows where I live, do they?) :)


Richard had never behaved this way until he saw me giving Hickory lots of attention.


Another possibility could be that your daughter may have scared him somehow when you had your back turned. My nephews scared my mother's CAG. It didn't take much, but now he lashes out at them. Again, another case of feeling threatened.


Just a few possibilities.

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I have to agree here. You should keep your child and bird separate. Leave the bird in the cage you can have out time for your bird when the baby is asleep.

Why you bird is doing this maybe your baby tried to poke out an eye when your back was turned or it could be jealousy.

Either way I would not let them interact at this time in your child's life.

They may grow into great friends later on but if the bird really bites the baby she may have a fear of birds for the rest of her life.

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