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Francis' CBC results...some concerns?


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Okay so I got back the results from Francis' CBC. I see a couple of things that look a little odd but I'm hoping someone here can interpret better for me.


The big one is the uric acid, at 16.3 mg/dL. I'm worried about kidney issues but after I got off the phone with the vet, I remembered: the morning his blood was drawn, he'd had his weekly egg and I recall he ate almost all of it. Would the protein intake cause the uric to spike this high?


He's a tiny bit low on calcium but I think that's from 10 years without direct sunlight or a bird light. We've already corrected that so I think the calcium levels should go up.


The other thing, which the vet didn't even mention to me but I see on the sheet, is: AST value of 181 U/L and CK of 2065 U/L. I don't see why his creatine levels should have been that high. He was stressed at the office, but that wouldn't cause it, would it?


I'm planning on going back to do a uric acid recheck in a few weeks, but I'm hoping it turns out normal because I'm NOT going to feed him extra protein that day. What about the other, though? Should I ask for a full CBC again and ask more questions about liver or muscle issues?


My vet is an "exotic pet" vet and not an avian specialist per se. So while I know he consulted someone before he called me and I'm sure he's trying to be thorough, I'm afraid he won't recognize something a more qualified vet might.

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Perhaps this bird had a fall or other physical trauma that affected the results. I would be interested in running the blood work again in a few weeks to see if they remain the same or have lowered the counts. An Avian blood values link, sorry long link.

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On a CBC, you can have one done every 2 days, and get a different valve!!!!!, Calcium sounds pretty good from what you say about you bird, When a vet or Doctor reads a blood work up, they do the same as you, compare! They know each variance test levels can be...The best thing to do is to call your vet and ask " Him/Her" your concerns!!!!


Thanks Jayd

P.S.Don't forget the stress levels on this poor bird

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He had fallen several times in the previous week, once breaking a feather. Possibly he had some bruising, but definitely not enough to affect his movements. I wasn't expecting his creatine levels to be affected that much by it, but maybe!


My worry is how much stress it will be to take Francis back for a second blood test. Poor fella, he just hated the first visit. He screamed. But if the uric levels are too high even considering the egg he ate, I'll have to do what they suggest, because I don't want to ignore possible kidney issues. Maybe I'll try calling an avian vet if I can find one; like I said, my vet isn't a specialist.

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I did two trips to the vet before I found an avian vet. It meant a 3 hour drive for us, but the difference in how wee were dealt with was well worth the extra effort. If you can find one, I'm sure you will be happy with the results.

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